Is Biden's New 'Spousal Amnesty Policy' Appealing to Voters?

“The crisis at the border and surplus of drugs, crime & other maladies are the direct result of his actions… Opening the border was a choice.”
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — President Joe Biden announced his "Spousal Amnesty Policy" at an event commemorating the anniversary of former President Barack Obama’s controversial 2012 Executive Action for young immigrants known as the "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" program – or DACA.

Biden framed his proposal as a way to keep families together. 
I refuse to believe that to protect our border we have to walk away from being an American,” Biden said, adding that the nation had been revitalized for generations by immigrants.

“We can both secure the border – and provide legal pathways for families.” 

Several commentators and politicians on the right criticized Biden’s amnesty policy, saying he has failed to secure the border or pass meaningful immigration legislation throughout his presidency.

Commentators and politicians on the left tended to praise Biden for protecting immigrants and keeping families together.

In attempting to walk a fine line on his self-crreated crisis at the Southern Border – not to mention straddling other important issues like the economy and inflation, which voters continue to say are their biggest worries – how is Mr. Biden doing?

Biden has now made two major moves on immigration policy recently:
  1. One would supposedly limit the number of migrants applying for asylum, and
  2. The Second would allow unauthorized migrants married to citizens to remain in the country.
A writer for the New York Post Opinion argued that Biden is bringing more people into the country that are going to circumvent the regular immigration process:
“The crisis at the border and surplus of drugs, crime, and other maladies are the direct result of his actions… Opening the border was a choice, one that seems likely to cost Democrats the White House.”

The writer added that Biden’s “big show of signing an executive order on border security” earlier this month “was a red herring.”

In CNN Opinion, Jill Filipovic writes:
“With Republicans cynically blocking Biden’s previous efforts to constrain immigration, the president has few options when it comes to across-the-aisle negotiations.”

Filipovic said Biden’s attempts at a legislative solution does not increase the incentive for people to come here illegally, because “it only applies to people who are already in the country and have been for many years.”
A Washington Examiner piece by Conn Carroll stated that Biden’s waiving of the requirement that unauthorized immigrants married to a citizen have to first leave the country before they can apply for a green card “is essentially creating brand new amnesty programs without congressional approval on the fly.”

Carroll concluded that:
“It is hard to avoid the conclusion that Biden hopes that some of those he is letting into the country illegally, or setting on a path to citizenship, will somehow convince others to vote for him… or maybe vote illegally themselves.”

An opinion contributor for The Guardian said Obama’s DACA program should be used as an example for Biden’s immigration policy going forward.
“The policy offered hundreds of thousands of young immigrants brought here as children, known as Dreamers, renewable protection from deportation and permission to work legally… White nationalism and xenophobia are forever flaring up in our history, and immigrants are always the scapegoat,” they said.

“But Dreamers, their families, and their employers remember what Obama did.”

Numerous Democrat campaign advisors, including those who worked for both Barack Obama & Bill Clinton, have said Biden should talk more about the issues average Americans are confronting on a daily basis.

And while Biden continues to campaign for another four years in the White House, a majority of "Likely U.S. Voters" told Rasmussin Reports that  they now perceive him as losing his mental sharpness.

The latest Rasmussen Reports National Telephone & Online Survey finds that:


