SCHLICHTER: They Tried to Kill Trump – So Now What’ll They Do Next?

By Kurt Schlichter

The nerve of Donald Trump – inciting that scumbag to shoot at him by being literally Hitler (according to the regime media and the regime husk) – and his supporters for shockingly daring to get mad about it. Why aren’t they uniting around gun control, even though Trump was protected by guns and guns killed the scumbag... and even though guns are the only thing keeping Democrat-supported criminals and Democrat–supported tyranny at bay?

But we know whose fault this is.

And they know whose fault this is. And they’re going to lie about it anyway.

This was inevitable. Even if this wasn’t a specific plot, it was what they hoped for, and they did everything they could to encourage it. How incredibly shortsighted.

Both Trump and America literally dodged a bullet, but the left did as well and doesn’t even know it. The scumbag crawled onto an open building roof with a view of the podium that somehow wasn’t covered or defended and got off several shots that - but for one inch - would have blown Trump’s brains out. The convulsions that would’ve followed in our 
society are terrifying to imagine. Unfortunately, he did manage to murder one Trump supporter and wound another.

You could almost feel the disappointment in the coverage by the regime media.

After the regime media reluctantly admitted it was an assassination attempt, which took hours, it was followed by a few halfhearted thoughts and prayers from the left, as well as more than a few social media cheers.

Major Democrats are now publicly shaking their collective collectivist head over political violence for once. Out of public view, they are probably pounding their collective collectivist head against the wall because they fear - rightly - that Trump’s glorious defiance in the face of his attempted murder may have just won him a landslide against their dementite candidate, a corrupted, perverted zombie who thinks Matlock is a real lawyer and that Hunter ought to hire him for his next trial.

The administration didn’t have to arrange this specific incident to make it happen. The hatred it stirred up was always intended to get some lunatic to take a potshot at Trump as a fringe benefit of the main objective of motivating borderline clinical moron voters. As is typical these days, incompetence played a huge role. If only we had some sort of secret agency that provided a service of defending public figures. Well, some public figures. Under this administration, the Secret Service doesn’t protect Robert Kennedy, Jr., whose father was murdered by a Palestinian scumbag. It doesn’t protect senior members of the Trump administration who the Iranians have promised to murder. And it is now clear that it barely protected Donald Trump. 

Yeah, when the shooting started, some of the Secret Service agents quickly scrambled to cover Trump. OK. They adequately performed one of many of their essential tasks. They blew the others. How the hell does somebody get on a rooftop overlooking the podium of a presidential speech with a rifle, have time to set up, take aim, and fire several shots before getting his brains blown out? There are reports that the Trump security detail had been asking headquarters for more support and had been rebuffed. There’s no doubt that’s true. In fact, Democrats have been trying to take away Trump’s security. They have been urging violence, so let’s have some Real Talk. They want someone to murder him, and spend a little time on social media and you’ll see leftists admit it (inducing passive aggressively), but the Biden administration did not dare leave Trump totally exposed. The Biden administration just left him mostly exposed. 

You can attribute some of this catastrophic failure of yet another institution to malice, but let’s not forget the incompetence component. The current head of the Secret Service is a former Pepsi executive. They couldn’t even get the one from the best cola. What’s her priority? DEI, of course. Who cares about protecting people, you know, the actual job of the Secret Service? As with all our institutions, the incompetent at its head doesn’t prioritize the actual job of the institution but instead the communist ideology of her ruling class friends. Making sure that agents had great-grandparents from the right continent and held the correct penis status are her big issues.

As you saw, some of the short/round female Secret Service agents couldn’t even figure out how to holster their guns. Some of them seemed to have some heart, but heart doesn’t equal mass, folks. Ironically, that iconic picture of a defiant Donald Trump raising his fist would not have been possible except that the female secret service agent in front of him was so tiny that she couldn’t block his 6’3 frame – and blocking the target is, or was, an important part of the job before having the right genitalia took priority.

Of course, we’re going to hear that the scumbag murderer was a Republican because three years ago – 15% of his life ago - he registered Republican, though more facts seem to be coming out showing that his politics were left. Whether he was an active leftist or just a mutant loner, or both, remains unclear and will probably remain unclear if the truth is remotely harmful to the Democrat/regime media’s approved narrative. If you think the Biden administration’s investigation of the Biden administration’s failure to protect Donald Trump is going to be comprehensive, competent, or honest, I’ve got several bridges I’d like to sell you. Do you do Venmo?

You could see the fix was already in when they finally got around to the initial midnight press conference. The initial reporting by the regime media was about “loud popping noises” and Trump’s “fall.” At least the press conference forced the regime media, hours after it happened, to finally concede that this was an assassination attempt. It was all downhill from there. We had an FBI agent who came out and said that he essentially knew nothing. As always, when a Republican is a victim, the motivation remains opaque and unknowable.

Then we had some folks from the state police who said pretty much nothing. What we didn’t have was the Secret Service. Apparently, the agency was not available to explain its failures. The stonewalling is already in effect. Congress is going to call immediate hearings and what we’re going to hear is a big fat nothing. You see, the investigation is continuing, and telling the American people anything, especially the truth, is going to make it impossible to adequately cover up the truth. 

One truth we won’t hear publicly is that the Democrats are sorry this scumbag missed and horrified about the iconic photos of a defiant Trump. They know what it means. When Biden finally staggered out, without a tie, to speak to the American people about the first presidential assassination attempt in over 40 years, the alleged president didn’t seem too upset. In his defense, he’s senile so we can’t really be sure he knew what was happening at all. He mumbled a few platitudes and staggered off. That set the tone for what we’ll see going forward. 

We already know the investigation is going to be a complete cluster because there’s apparently nobody in charge. The FBI is doing some stuff, the state police is doing some other stuff, and the Secret Service seems to be in full CYA mode. So, we’re not going to get any information about what really happened. We’re going to get lies, and the administration is going to issue some report assuring us that it did the very best job it could, and that Donald Trump was really at fault for getting in the way of those bullets. The unspoken theme will be to ask whether you can really blame the aspiring assassin for trying to take out the guy who wants to use Project 2025 to put all women into handmaiden outfits.

What’s the political effect of this going to be? More cynicism, all of it justified, by the American people. Yet another vaunted institution has failed to perform its job adequately. We’re getting used to it. When institutions are headed by Kendi-obsessed quota queens selected for their adherence to Marxist ideology rather than competence, and when they prioritize their ridiculous ideology over the job the institution is supposed to do – whether it’s the Secret Service, the FBI, the military, the NFL, the DMV, Houston’s power company (As I write this, I am on day six out without power) - you’re going to get failure. And we’re tired of failure. 

It doesn’t have to be this way. America doesn’t work anymore. That’s why you see social media filled with video clips of people living joyously in the amazing 80s. This nostalgia is because America worked back then, and it does not work now.

Joe Biden represents the failed present. The secret of Donald Trump is that he represents both our glorious past and a future where things work, and if you screw up, you hear that “You’re fired.”

And that’s why Donald Trump’s glorious defiance on stage, lifting his fist and refusing to give in, was so inspiring. He is the avatar of our vision of ourselves as Americans.

They attempted to kill him, but they really wanted to kill us and, for one of us, they succeeded. It won’t work, though. They can lie about us and create fake scandals. They can try and silence us. They can try to frame us in kangaroo courts. They can try to murder us.

But we’re not going to quit. We’re not going to surrender.

We’re going to win. Raise your fists, patriot. America will be great again.

Follow Kurt on Twitter @KurtSchlichter. Get the newest volume in the Kelly Turnbull People’s Republic series of conservative action novels set in America after a notional national divorce, the bestselling Amazon #1 Military Thriller, Overlord! And get his new novel of terrorism in America, The Attack!


