Unnerved by Weeks of Negative Polling, Biden Denounces the Nation in Questionable Speech


In a shocking & remarkable speech, Biden returns to the fear-mongering specter of political violence

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — Unnerved by weeks of negative polling showing that he and his fellow Democrats are headed for a disasterous 2022 Mid-Term Election – and just days ahead of next Tuesday's vote – President Joe Biden this evening told Americans that "democracy" is on the ballot, and attempted to present this year's election as contest between former President Donald Trump's "Mega-MAGA" followers and a Democrat Party led republic.

In a shocking and remarkable speech given just six days prior to November 8th's election – and as nationwide polling shows Republicans candidates overtaking Democrats in key races for U.S. Senate, for control of the House of Represenatives, as well as in Governor's races around the country – Biden returned to the fear-mongering specter of political violence, a topic he claimed was eminent during a much-panned September 1st speech in from of Philadelphia's Independence Hall.

Mr. Biden explicitly singled out former President Donald Trump, calling him – and those who voted for him – a threat to Democracy while accusing him of being a "self-seeking autocrat."

Biden also falsley and repeatedly claimed Mr. Trump's supporters seek to curtail voting rights.

But despite repeaded Democrat claims that new voting laws passed by dozens of State Legislatures after questions were raised following the 2020 Presidential Election – claims that Democrats that said would "curtail voting rights" – voters in Georgia and other states have continued to hit record-breaking turnout during this year's often extended Early Voting period.

Through the first six days of Early Voting in Georgia so far, the state has seen an astounding 159% increase from the same period of 2018's mid-term elections – and the Peach State's Early Voting totals have even shattered the record six day early voting figures from 2020's presidential election by 20%.

Yet striking an surprisingly ominous tone, Biden said:

"We the people must decide whether the rule of law will prevail, or whether we'll allow the dark forces" to triumph.

With recent polls indicating that 45% of Likely U.S. Voters "Strongly Disapprove" of Mr. Biden's job performance – while just 22% "Strongly Approve" – Mr. Biden’s Approval Index Rating as of Friday, Oct. 21st stood at -23% according to Rasmussen Reports' Daily Presidential Tracking Poll.

And, Biden's historically low ratings are impacting Democrat's down-ballot chances in the six key battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania & Wisconsin.

According to Rasmussen Reports latest State-by-State Polling Results of  "Likely U.S. Voters":

  • In Arizona, 56% "Disapprove" of Biden's job as president
  • In Georgia, 56% "Disapprove" of his performance
  • 56% "Disapprove" in Wisconsin
  • 55% "Disapprove" in Ohio, and
  • 52% "Disapprove"in Michigan

And despite Democrat's efforts to shift the election narrative away from voter's top concerns of escalating gas and grocery prices, as well as rapidly rising crime across the nation," the economy continues to remain as the "top concern" for voters.

The liberal media's cheerleaders have even begun hedging their predictions over the past week, walking back their official optimism.

Biden filled his Wednesday evening speech with vitriolic rhetoric against "extreme MAGA Republicans," and derided the so-called "election deniers" – the media's and Democrat's favorite pejorative label for those who in any way raising election integrity concerns – claiming:

"Democracy is under attack because the defeated former president refused to accept the results of the 2020 election."

Trump "abused his power," Biden said, before referring to the "big lie," a common left-wing term for Trump's election fraud claims.

He further termed such claims to be an "article of faith in the MAGA Republican Party."

But even Democrat campaign experts and analysts find Biden's strident language just days before an election to be concerning.

"People are worried about disorder. And whenever there's disorder in this case, in crime and economic news they tend to vote for the opposition," said Hank Sheinkopf, a longtime Democratic strategist to ABC News.

"Biden has to show he's a unifier at a time of great division, but is it really going to move voters?" questioned Sheinkopf.

It's "hard to imagine," added Sheinkopf, that Biden's negative messaging on democracy would in any way move the needle in Democrat's favor ahead of next week's elections.



