WOOLLEY: All We Are Saying, Is 'Give Trump a Chance'

Musk & Ramaswamy will have to behave like the Honey Badger – but Remember, the Honey Badger don’t care.


By Lynn Woolley

AUSTIN, Texas (Texas Insider Report) — Everybody’s talking ‘bout Elon, Vivek, the Deep State, candidates, mandates, Ukraine, Trump Train, rearrange climate change, Dem rebukes, Russian nukes!  With apologies to John and Yoko, would the left just shut up for the next four years and see what Trump can accomplish?

The first step in any recovery is, admitting that there’s a problem. 

Step two is, hiring somebody with the guts to fix it. 

Washington, D.C. is badly broken.  Donald Trump’s final pitch was: Joe and Kamala broke it – Trump will fix it.  But the far left, and certainly some members of Congress don’t want it fixed.  The way things are now may not work for most of us, but it works great for Washington politicians and bureaucrats.

Trump ran as a disrupter.  That’s exactly what this country needs.

What Steve Kroft told us on 60 Minutes years ago, is truer today than ever before.

Kroft pointed out that the problem in Washington, D.C. is not what’s illegal.  It’s what’s legal.

That is to say that Congress makes the rules.  And the rules always favor members of Congress.

That’s why Martha Stewart goes to jail if she breaks insider trading laws.  But when Nancy Pelosi does it, she simply gets richer.

That’s also why it’s so hard to beat an incumbent member of Congress.  The rules are stacked in their favor.  They build political machines that a political newbie can’t duplicate.   They bring home the bacon to the district and that gets the Chamber of Commerce and cities and counties on their side.

Congressmen become essentially residents of Washington with lavish homes or apartments, and come back to their home district to campaign or to hand out money that shouldn’t be handed out by the Federal Government.

Bringing home the bacon requires a lot of spending.

This has got to stop and, hopefully, Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, the non-governmental high priests of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), will be the impartial leaders who will get it done.

I like to write in, in numbers, including all twelve zeroes, what our national debt is:

$37,000,000,000,000 and perhaps a few cents.

Folks, we’re in trouble.  We are almost certainly in a recession right now.  Look around you and see how many businesses are closing, how much everything is still getting more expensive, how many companies are laying off, how high-tech is no longer the darling of growth.

Living in Austin, I frequently pass by three skyscrapers that have a lot of empty floors.  One was to be fully occupied by GoogleOne was going to be significantly occupied by Meta, the parent company of Facebook.  The third had leased several floors to Tik Tok The tech companies never moved in.  Instead, they began laying off people.

And yet, the government keeps on spending, borrowing, and printing money.

The more money that floods the country is what makes each dollar worth less.  That’s what inflation is.  That’s what Joe Biden, who knew better when he was sentient, ignored.

It’s what Kamala Harris never understood.  It’s what members of the House and Senate do understand, but don’t seem to care.

Remember that the next time your congressman has a building named after him/her for bringing all kinds of crap to your town that the federal government should not have been involved in.

I write in this space constantly about how bloated the government is.

This, too, has got to stop.  The Department of Education is often cited as a huge bureaucracy that is a waste of money. Oh, but the education establishment and teachers’ unions want it.  But ask yourself why?  The teachers’ unions have never been for a high-quality education.  They exist for the adults and not for the children.

If we can return control of education to states (at the highest level) and to parents at the most basic level, we can get the local bureaucracy under control.  Check the internet to see how many school superintendents in your state have salaries that reach close to half a million dollars a year plus perks.

While you’re talking to yourself, ask yourself if you have a tenth of the benefits you pay for to give to your school superintendent, and a contract that provides a golden parachute in case you get fired?

This is the kind of thing that government does that we all need to reject.

Schools ought to pay a superintendent a fair amount as decided by a real school board comprised of real people and not education system plants, and if he needs to go, he gets told to clean out his desk (with a few board members or parents there to watch him do it) and two week’s pay like the rest of us.  Maybe vacation pay, but certainly not unused sick leave.

Sick leave is for when you are actually sick, but schools treat it like extra vacation days.  School must learn to function in the real world.

The Framers never intended federal government to control everything.

I hope Elon and Vivek make a list of what agencies we need.  I’d keep the Department of State (to prevent wars), the Department of War (screw calling it “Defense”) to rain down hell on our enemies when we must, the Department of the Treasury because out money should work in all 50 states, and a Justice Department.  We need a spy agency and some type of law enforcement agency that is prohibited from spying on Americans without cause.

But do we need Departments of Education, Commerce, Interior, Agriculture, Homeland Security, FEMA, the FCC, and so forth?  Let’s kill what we don’t need, and let the states handle the rest.  That way, Texas can drill for oil, and California can buy it from us.

The bureaucracy will not go down without a fight. 

The Deep State or the Administrative State, or whatever you want to call it has grown and grown, and it’s hard to kill any of it, or control the bloated salaries and benefits.  Many of these people are hard workers, but they ought not to have any authority over our lives without Congress voting and the President signing their “rules” into law.

It will be hard to get rid of them.  They have power and they have unions.

Musk and Ramaswamy will have to behave like the proverbial Honey Badger.  Remember, Honey Badger don’t care.

Trump – the ultimate junkyard dog — did nothing about the national debt during his first term.  

This time seems different.  The United States of America is facing possible involvement in two foreign wars started by Joe Biden’s incompetence.  Russia is saber-rattling with its nukes.  We are in a recession that only Washington, D.C. economists can try to pass off as not real.  Cost of goods and services are still on the rise.

Our very special people in Washington – our esteemed members of the House and Senate – have sat on their ever-fattening rumps and allowed this ungodly national debt to accumulate when every single one of them knows better.  A few of them sound the alarm – and thank God for them.

But nothing ever changes.

Members of Congress – the Watchmen — make their own rules so favorable that many of them serve for most of their lives and literally die in office.

  • (Examples:  senators Robert Byrd, Edward M. Kennedy, Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee – and there’s more.) 

And it seems, until now, that nobody is watching the Watchmen

Can Trump fix the mess left by the last president and Congress, and contributed to by many before them?  He says he can.  He’s created DOGE.  He named two other junkyard dogs to manage it.  He’s named Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. who has promised to get the poison out of our food supply.

Maybe these men can make a difference.

But idiots on the Left such as Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post, and far too many congressional Democrats are already raising hell.  They like things just the way they are.

Meanwhile, left-wing comedian Bill Maher, who doesn’t like Trump, has adopted a wait-and-see attitude.  He says he’s not going to “pre-hate” the incoming administration.

Maybe Trump can’t beat the Bureaucracy.

They’ve tried to steal elections, bankrupt him in court, put him in jail, and there’s even been two attempts on his life.  The Donald is still standing, and if he can do this, he will go down in history as the greatest modern president – the one man who could stop Congress and the Swamp from eating America from within.

It would be impossible for him to run the country worse than Biden.

So why not give him the benefit of the doubt?  All we are asking is, give Trump a chance.

Known for being the "Secretary of Logic," Lynn Woolley (at left, on right,) is a Texas-based author, songwriter, and Talk Radio Show co-host on Austin's Talk 1370am "Cardle & Woolley Show." Order books directly from Lynn at https://PlanetLogicPress.Square.Site.



