"Queen Elizabeth was more than a leader of one of the greatest monarchies in history and a close ally to the United States; she was a mother, grandmother, and wife who showed deep devotion to her family and to her nation. The world is better to have had a strong, steady leader like Queen Elizabeth, and we are forever honored to have had her as an ally to the United States, and Texas," said Gov. Abbott upon the Queen's passing.
“Texas' Oil & Gas Industry paid around $11 billion in production taxes alone last year – not including its sales tax contributions that benefit Texans and our livelihoods. I will fight President Biden and his radical environmentalists who want to destroy the Texas economy, and continue to support cheap, plentiful and reliable energy,” said Railroad Commission Chairman Wayne Christian after it was announced the industry is contributing record-breaking levels of revenue to the state.
"Recently my office initiated an investigation into a complaint that Harris County has acted to 'defund police,' which violates Texas law and reduces the constables’ ability to protect the lives and property of (Houston's) residents. Violent crime is spiking because police budgets are being slashed and criminals face no accountability. My office has made it clear – adopting a County Budget funding Law Enforcement and complying with the law is Judge Hidalgo’s responsibility."
In the case of Bourne v. Gunnels, et al. – in the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division – a jury returned a verdict in favor of six Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) Officers defended by Attorney General Paxton’s Law Enforcement Defense Division (LEDD) team. After two days of testimony, the jury returned a unanimous verdict in favor of all six officers.
Political failure is the democrat process' way of punishing mistakes. Joe Biden has careened far left on policy, and any positive trends have been overwhelmed by chaotic results flowing from his party's policies: out-of-control Inflation, out-of-control Illegal Immigration, and out-of-control Violent Crime – all while his Justice Department & FBI searched Mar-a-Lago and promote Trump-ish candidates in the GOP primaries.
"The Biden White House is actively and egregiously undermining our National Security and our 1st Amendment Rights through these (vaccine) mandates," said Sen. Ted Cruz, announcing he had been joined by his fellow members of Congress in both the Senate & House in filing an Amicus Brief to stand up for the Religious Liberty of the Nation's Navy SEALS following the attack on their rights regarding Vaccine Mandates.
"Going into the fall we have sufficient resources to meet demand for power – and we’re excited to welcome ERCOT’s new President & CEO, Pablo Vegas in October," said PUC Chairman Peter Lake, who along with Gov. Greg Abbott held a joint meeting Tuesday with the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) and the Texas Public Utility Commission (PUC) to discuss the implementation of Texas' ongoing electric grid reforms.
"It’s time for reason and common sense to prevail. The time to drop these ridiculous mandates in our Armed Forces is now. Not only is it putting our mission readiness at risk, it’s also unnecessarily impacting or ending the careers of so many talented, young, and healthy service members,” said South Texas Cong. Mayra Flores – a staunch supporter of personal freedom, our nation's Armed Forces & Veterans, and a member of the powerful Homeland Security Committee.
President Biden's "move transcends the policies surroundings student loans. This is an illegal act by a President desperate for a political win," reads the letter signed by South Texas Cong. Tony Gonzales (TX-23,) who joined Cong. Jody Hice and 93 of his colleagues in a strongly worded message to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling on her to hold Mr. Biden accountable for his unconstitutional $300 billion Student Loans "forgiveness."
Here's a preview of the nightmare that could occur in the near future, and its happening right now. There are approximately 29 million cars, light trucks and motorcycles in the state of California. By some estimates, it will take 15 years to fully transition to all electric vehicles. Currently, reports the Associated Press, California has some 80,000 re-charging stations in public places, "far short of the 250,000 it wants by 2025."
With the Mid-Term Elections now 63 days away, Republicans still hold a 5% lead in their bid to recapture control of Congress, as 65% of "Likely U.S. Voters" believe the nation is headed down the wrong track, 29% say its heading in the right direction, and 84% of Likely U.S. Voters are concerned about the economy – including 55% who are "Very Concerned" according to the latest Rasmussen Reports National Polls.
I am a lifelong Democrat. I even worked for Joe Biden at one time. But the president’s speech in Philadelphia last week marked a new low for America, and a new low for a party I once idolized. I learned earlier than most that Biden is a shell of his former self — at this point a puppet of the Media & Political Establishment. Hence last Thursday’s speech. It’s clear Biden is not the answer and needs to go. This speech confirmed it.
"These courageous heroes and their families deserve our utmost support and respect, and Texas will always honor their sacrifice and service to our nation in the pursuit of freedom," said Gov. Greg Abbott, as he and the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) announced over $31 million in grant funding across the state – including 139 grants awarded to 121 organizations, estimated to serve more than 22,000 Texas Veterans.
"The bottom line is this: If there are ZERO Tax Rate Cuts in a district, there is no tax relief for the hard-pressed Texas Taxpayers! Because there's no central database collection of these (Tax Ratification Elections, or TREs,) this could be happening all over the state," said State Sen. Paul Bettencourt. Here's how and where some local Texas School Boards have scheduled Tax Ratification Elections to avoid giving Texans tax relief.
"With all the good news and records, it is hard to focus on one category – but it's truly astounding to realize a deposit of $3.64 billion will be made in both the (Rainy Day) Economic Stabilization Fund and the State Highway Fund," said Texas Oil & Gas Association president Todd Staples after Comptroller Glen Hegar announced that oil and natural gas production taxes paid into state coffers this year broke $10 billion for the first time in history.
Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar reminds families that enrollment in the Texas Tuition Promise Fund®, the state's prepaid college tuition plan, began Sept. 1 and runs through Feb. 28, 2023.
Has the Democrat Left finally gone too far? In front of a creepy dark red backdrop, with men in military uniforms standing behind him, Joe Biden – our nation's president – actually accused “the extreme MAGA ideology” of engaging in an “ongoing attack on democracy.” Most any sensible American knows that the goal of politics is to persuade the moderate, independent and swing voters over to your cause. But alarm them too much, and it may backfire.
"This 10-year plan to address transportation needs statewide, and dedicate $85 billion to improve roadways, will be a huge boon to our state's infrastructure and booming economy," said Gov. Greg Abbott, announcing that a 2023 Unified Transportation Program (UTP) had been unanimously adopted by the Texas Dept. of Transportation (TxDOT,) and included an unprecedented level of project funding to address congestion and improve mobility.