On the Record


Texas Land Commissioner Buckingham Secures Largest Carbon Sequestration Lease in the United States

Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham, M.D. is pleased to announce a signed agreement between the Texas General Land Office (GLO) and ExxonMobil to lease approximately 271,068 acres of submerged state land located offshore in Jefferson, Chambers, and Galveston Counties. This agreement is not only the most extensive Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) transportation and storage lease in state history; it’s also the largest lease in the United States.


Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: Statement on Texas Energy Fund Advisory Committee Hearing

“Deloitte, the contractor hired to administer the Texas Energy Fund, allowed for a falsified application to move forward in the process. When questioned at today's hearing, Deloitte had no believable explanation for the many troubling details they failed to uncover during their vetting process. These details could have been revealed to them by a quick Google search. Their senior partner did not even know the value of their contract with the state of Texas for this project."


Sen. Cruz Statement on Anniversary of October 7th Attacks on Israel

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) released the following statement commemorating the one-year anniversary of October 7th, the worst one-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. He also released a video calling for the United States to stand unequivocally with Israel as it eradicates the genocidal terrorist groups threatening its existence, for as long as it takes.


Gov. Abbott Honors Victims of October 7th Hamas Terrorist Attack On Israel

"No country faces the daily onslaught of missiles fired on it like Israel does. No country faces daily terrorist attacks like Israel does," said Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, delivering his remarks last night at the Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas' October 7th commemoration ceremony honoring more than 1,200 victims whose lives were tragically taken by Hamas last October 7th. View Gov. Abbott's full remarks at the ceremony here.  


A.G. Pax­ton Secures Another Win for Texas' Pro-Life Laws at the U.S. Supreme Court

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton secured a major win protecting the rights of Texas hospitals and doctors to refuse to provide abortions that are prohibited by State law. The Supreme Court of the United States (“SCOTUS”) declined to hear arguments in a case seeking to overturn an injunction preventing the Biden-Harris Administration from enforcing unlawful abortion guidance. As a result, an injunction will remain in place.


HUNTER: Do Any Real People Give a Single Hot-Damn About January 6th? (And Other Left-Wing Media Obsessions)

Just watched "Meet The Press" – which likely means I hate myself. That said, I can see why their ratings are down, as host Kristen Welker seems obsessed with something no one outside the green rooms of cable news give a damn about: January 6th. The left is so committed to the lie that the Capitol Hill riot was “the greatest assault on our democracy since the Civil War,” but no one with an IQ larger than their shoe size buys it.


CONG. McCAUL: Standing With Our Partner & Ally, Israel – on this 1 Year Anniversary

Just days after Hamas massacred 1,200 people in Israel on October 7th, 2023, the Biden-Harris White House let the United Nation’s Missile & Long-Range Drone Embargo on Iran expire. That decision allowed Iran to freely supply missiles and drones to their proxies – to U.S. adversaries – without international restrictions. Since then, Iran has directly attacked Israel twice, and Israel continues to fight Iranian proxies in Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen & Iraq. 


Sens. Cruz, Cornyn Celebrate Another Victory for South Texas, Securing Permit for Laredo 4/5 International Bridge

Before securing this victory for the Lone Star State, Sen. Cruz teamed up with Sen. John Cornyn to send a letter to President Biden yesterday urging him to approve the Bridge 4/5 presidential permit application submitted by Southwebb Bridge Company in Webb County, Texas to bolster trade with Mexico, improve supply chain resiliency, and create good paying jobs in Texas.


Texas Drone Technology Aids In Large Narcotics Seizure

Since the launch of Texaas' Operation Lone Star, the multi-agency effort has led to over 521,100 Illegal Immigrant Apprehensions and more than 47,400 Criminal Arrests – with more than 41,000 felony charges. In the fight against the fentanyl crisis, Texas law enforcement has seized over 544 million lethal doses of fentanyl – enough to kill every man, woman, and child in the U.S. and Mexico combined during the border mission.


A.G. Pax­ton Tem­porar­i­ly Stops Effort Blocking Texas' Elec­tion Inves­ti­ga­tions into Vote Har­vest­ing

“Blocking our ability to investigate certain election crimes would have been a serious disruption to the electoral landscape – with only a month left before Election Day,” said Attorney General Ken Paxton, as he appealed to the 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals a request which has now granted a temporary stay until October 10th. A.G. Paxton has been investigating illegal ballot harvesting under Senate Bill 1, a Texas election integrity law. 


Sen. Cruz Demands Answers from Biden & Harris: Flying Illegal Border Crossers into Neighborhoods Nationwide

While raising concerns about “the number of improperly vetted aliens who've illegally crossed the border increasing the likelihood of domestic attacks” after they have been released without identification into neighborhoods across the country, Sen. Ted Cruz ramped up his demand for answers from President Biden's Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas about how many Illegal Border Crossers have been flown into the nation on taxpayers’ dime – posing election year concerns for citizen's safety, and national security.


Governor Abbott Touts Texas’ Career, Technical Skills Training In Waco

Governor Greg Abbott today touted Texas’ robust job training programs that provide opportunities for Texans to go into high-demand, good-paying jobs and the impact on the state’s manufacturing industry during a tour with manufacturing students and a press conference at Texas State Technical College (TSTC) in Waco. The Governor also celebrated National Manufacturing Day and praised the might of the “Made in Texas” brand


Rep. Tony Gonzales Announces Over $12 Million for Border Security in South and West Texas

Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) announced over $12 million in federal funding for border security through Operation Stonegarden. This federal grant program provides funding to local and state law enforcement agencies to partner with Border Patrol against human and drug smuggling. Congressman Gonzales has fiercely advocated for Operation Stonegarden funding through his position on the House Appropriations Committee.


GLO Comm. Dawn Buckingham Celebrates Construction Kickoff of Alamo Visitor & Museum Center in San Antonio

"With more than 1.6 million people visiting the Alamo annually, I'm dedicated to working with the City of San Antonio and the Alamo Trust to ensure visitors from all around the world – and for future generations to come – will forever be able to experience and learn about the sacrifices made for liberty at this Sacred Site," said Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham, as she, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, and numerous others spoke this morning at the Construction Kickoff of the Alamo Visitor Center & Museum in San Antonio, Texas.


Governor Abbott Deploys State Resources to Support North Carolina's Hurricane Helene Recovery

“The aftermath of Hurricane Helene left dangerous flood waters and debris that can be life-threatening to people and animals. Our hearts grieve for all Americans who were lost, and Texas will continue to do all we can to help our fellow Americans in this time of need,” said Gov. Greg Abbott, today announcing he has directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management to deploy state emergency response resources to support the state's recovery efforts following a request from North Carolina Emergency Management.


Sen. Cruz Celebrates Presidential Signing of Landmark, Bi-partisan Cruz-Kelly Chips Permitting Reform Bill Into Law

“This Kelly-Cruz bipartisan legislation is a major win for Texas, and it will speed up the building of new semiconductor projects nationwide while unlocking tens of thousands of good-paying jobs in Texas," said Ted Cruz, the Senate Commerce Committee's Ranking Member, of the bipartisan legislation he authored with Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) to expedite semiconductor manufacturing construction. The bill removes burdensome hurdles to achieving environmental reviews and dramatically speeds up construction timelines for current and future projects not only in Texas, but across the country.  


CONG. WEBER: Next-Gen Pipelines Research & Development Act Passes

Last week, the House of Representatives passed my bill, the "Next Generation Pipelines Research & Development Act," which will strengthen public-private partnerships and improve Federal research, development, and demonstration related to the evolution of key pipeline systems across the country. As our nation’s infrastructure is rapidly aging, this legislation ensures pipelines are modern, secure, and cost effective, ready to take on our growing energy needs.


HEGAR: State Sales Tax Revenue Up 1.5% from September 2023

“While overall September sales tax collections grew modestly, receipts were down across most major sectors compared with a year ago,” said Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar earlier today, noting that State Sales Tax Revenue totaled nearly $3.85 billion in September – which represents an increase of 1.5% when compared to September of 2023. Sales tax is the largest source of state funding for the state budget, accounting for 58% of all tax collections.


Governor Abbott Celebrates Texas Stock Exchange At Governor’s Mansion

Governor Greg Abbott on Monday celebrated the Texas Stock Exchange (TSXE) and the state’s historic economic milestones during a press conference at the Governor’s Mansion in Austin. The Governor was joined at the press conference by TXSE Group Inc. Founder and CEO James Lee, former U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, Senator Tan Parker, Representative Giovanni Capriglione, Representative Morgan Meyer, and other business and community leaders.


A.G. Pax­ton Sues City of Austin for Ille­gal­ly Spending Tax­pay­er Funds to Pay for Out of State Abor­tion Travel

"The City of Austin is illegally seeking to use public funding to support travel expenses for out-of-state abortions. The Texas Constitution prohibits governmental entities from doing so,” said Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, filing suit against the City of Austin to prevent the it's unlawful use of public money to fund expenses for women traveling out of Texas. Austin appropriated $400,000 in taxpayer money for “Reproductive Health Grants” which “included support for airfare, gas reimbursements, hotel stays, ride reimbursements, childcare stipends, companion travel, and food.” 


