

Biden's Re-Election Chances Tanking, as Antisemites Divide the Democrat Party

Extremists in America have flocked to one party – the Democrats – and they are tearing it apart. If the election were held today, Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley would beat Joe Biden like a drum. The only thing that remains to be seen is, what price will Joe and members of his own party pay for their racism and open hatred of Israel. Turns out antisemitism isn’t rare at all... Joe Biden has a touch of it himself.


BLACKWELL: The Crime Wave In America Is Crippling Our Nation

Leftwing reformers are holding out the latest nationwide surges in shoplifting as a "non-problem," and have refused to prosecute or even denounce smash-and-grabs and other brazen thefts. This policy choice – championed by prosecutors aligned with George Soros – fails to appreciate the serious role organized retail theft plays. One operation targeted two closely associated retail theft rings working in Texas.


One Sick War

There is something surreal, even sick, about the current Gazan war. -- Throughout European and American cities and campuses, tens of thousands of Middle Eastern immigrants and students and radical leftists chant nonstop, "Free Palestine from the River to the Sea."


STARNES: Oh Boy – Woke Tennessee School District Wants to Rename 'Good Friday'

There’s a big culture war battle being waged in my town – Germantown, Tennessee. The school board is considering a change to the calendar that would rename Good Friday and Easter Monday. "You can’t just make up new names for people’s religious holidays. Who do they think they are?" asked one Radio-KWAM listener in Memphis. Will San Francisco values encroach on the Bible Belt?


PARKER: Truth & the Courage to Stand by It Works – Our Nation Badly Needs Some

So, our nation has a major wake-up call in front of us. And for those who think restoring awareness about Good & Evil is not a viable political platform, we have history to prove otherwise. "We must never forget – no government schemes are going to perfect man. There is Sin & Evil in the world, and we're enjoined to oppose it with all our might." President Ronald Reagan spoke these words in March 1983 during a speech in which he called the Soviet Union an "Evil Empire."


AMIRIZADEH: Iranians Know Israel's Not the Enemy – and that the Land Belongs to the Jews

More than ever before I see an entire generation of Iranians who want their freedom from the Islamic regime. They mock the regime and Islam, they know Israel is not the enemy, and that the land belongs to the Jews. They are standing with Israel – but the world must step up, because the Islamic regime is the head of the snake that must be cut off in order to save the world from more slaughter like October 7th.


HANSON: 6 Ways to Remedy Today's Salad Bowl of Un-Assimilating Tribal Migrants

The U.S. is now seeing a rise in violent racially and religiously motivated hate crimes. The border is nonexistent. Millions of unlawful immigrants mock their hosts by their brazen illegal entrance. But, unless unchecked, they are learning that unassimilated tribalism wins them influence and advantage.


Democrats' Noncitizen Voting Scam

Biden's recent action fast-tracking work authorizations for Venezuelan border crossers, who make up about 41% of recent arrivals in New York City, will make tens of thousands of them eligible to vote under New York City's new law, as soon as they obtain their working papers.


BROWN: Here's a Question for Those Who Chant 'Palestine Must Be Free'

I have an honest question for all those who chant (or who affirm the words,) “Palestine must be free!” Or more fully, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine must be free!” My question is simply this: Where would you like the 7 million Jews currently living in Israel (or, “Palestine” in your words) to go? What is your plan?


House Republicans and a Field of Rakes

Eventually, if only by accident, the House GOP will wander out of the field of rakes they’ve laid out for themselves, take off the blindfold and elect a Speaker you’ve probably never heard of. Representative WhoeverTheHellItIs from some state will do…exactly what Kevin McCarthy would have done. Why? Because what else can be done?


McCollough: All Is Not Fine – America is Broken, and It's Sick

Our enemies are starting wars in multiple regions of the world. Our friends can’t trust us, and rampant crime is crippling our own capacity to trust ourselves. An American founding father once said that America’s divine blessings would only occur for as long as she sought to be good – and do good to those around us. Now, we are tolerating the reprehensible. It's sick.


Does Iran Realize Its Own Growing Danger?

The world despises Iran and now finally accepts it cannot be appeased. Arab nations neither want Gazan refugees anywhere near them nor their terrorists whom Gazans one-time voted into power. -- Even Europe abhors Hamas's precivilizational butchery of Israeli civilians.


HUNTER: We Should Never, Ever Take a Single Anti-American Palestinian 'Refugee'

The idea that the United States should import “Palestinian refugees” is being floated by a particularly dense member of “The Squad” – fire alarm enthusiast and emergency exit-challenged New York Democrat Jamaal Bowman. This is insane. Absolutely not. There's no way to vet any potential refugees, and it should be the Arab world’s responsibility to help out – not ours.


McCAUGHEY: Joe Biden's Making the U.S. Into a Patsy & the U.N. is Useless

Ever since the Holocaust, the world has vowed "Never Again" – yet today's United Nations is not up to keeping that promise. The U.N.'s Secretary General did condemn Hamas' terror attack, but is also aggressively criticizing Israel's impending invasion of Gaza to rout out Hamas. But wait! After becoming president, Joe Biden told the U.N. that the U.S. is "back at the table," and ready to pursue "relentless diplomacy." Will he?


MOORE: Our Public Schools Are a National Disaster – But Here's Some Hope

Perhaps you've heard the news that ACT scores have fallen now for the 6th straight year, indicating our nation's High Schoolers are less equipped for a job or college than at any time in three decades. But why isn't anyone in our $800 billion education bureaucracy sounding the alarm or declaring this a national emergency? It puts our national security, our technological superiority, and our economic prosperity in grave danger.


SCHLICHTER: We're Sitting Ducks – And Our Current (Democrat) Leaders Do Not Care

Half the 3rd World is now waltzing across our Southern Border, and how do you think it's going to end? Think it ends well? Does that seem like a smart idea? Of course not, which explains why Joe Biden and the Democrats are doing it. Our leftist elite actually supports our enemies. Meanwhile, the media and Democrats are doing everything they can to neuter our ability to respond.


HANSON: Hamas... and Amoral Clarity

One unexpected blowback from the medieval Hamas's barbaric murdering of 100s of Israeli civilians is the revelation of current global amorality. More than 20 Harvard University politics groups pledged their support to Hamas' murderers – to the utter silence of Harvard President Claudine Gay. Americans knew higher education practiced racist admission policies, and promoted racially segregated dorms and graduations – but de facto destroying the 1st Amendment?


MOORE: If Biden Really Wants to Help Israel, He Must Stop the War on U.S. Energy Now

President Joe Biden solemnly declares that he stands with Israel against the terrorists. Great – but his actions in the White House have facilitated these homicidal attacks by financing our enemies. We've known for 50 years that terrorist organizations like Hamas are primarily financed with petrodollars. Yet Biden's war on American energy started on Day 1, and his policies have gotten worse every month ever since.


Rent Control Is a Disaster. Don't Let It Spread Across the Nation.

America's renters -- more than one-third of the nation's households -- are in for trouble. Left-wing politicians are demanding rent regulation from coast to coast. Wherever it is adopted, the result will be a disastrous reduction in the rental housing supply, leaving renters desperate for places to live. -- New York City is the poster child for the failures of rent regulation. The U.S. Supreme Court is currently mulling a challenge to the constitutionality of the city's rent regime.


HUNTER: Chuck Schumer’s Hypocrisy

Hypocrisy is always in abundance with politicians in the D.C. swamp, yet Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) battle to ban e-cigarette takes hypocrisy to a new level. In the name of protecting children, he has targeted a vaping product called Elf Bar for a possible government ban.


