

When Will Black Americans Stop Letting Biden Disrespect Them?

When Iran murdered three American soldiers and the Pentagon released their pictures, among veterans, there was unanimity – Three dead Americans – they had to be avenged. But they were black Americans, and to the Biden administration, black lives do not matter, at least not as much as Iranian lives matter. Or illegal alien lives matter. Or criminal lives matter. Black Lives Matter, but less than other lives ...


STRASSEL: In Biden's Us-vs.-Them Election, Here's What Explains America’s Divide

Are you feeling helplessly under assault from the Liberal Woke-Leftist Democrat's policies that ignore your situation or values these days? Well, nearly 50% of elites believe that the U.S. provides “too much individual freedom” – compared with almost 60% of voters who say there's too much “government control.” In fact, 77% of elites support “strict rationing of gas, meat & electricity” to fight climate change... vs. 28% of everyone else. This framing explains today’s politics – and the 2024 Election.


YORK: Biden Finally Admits – HELLO, There IS a #BidenBorderCrisis

Campaigning in South Carolina recently, Joe Biden actually said: "If that bill were the law today, I'd shut down the border and fix it quickly." WHOA... So Finally, Joe – not that you've heard it in any of the Mainstream Sock-Puppet Media Press these days – but Joe Biden's actually conceded what's been obvious to the American Public for months, for years. And he's beginning to make wild promises about it, "If you're serious about the Border Crisis, pass a bill and I'll sign it."


WOOLLEY: Gov. Abbott Has the High Ground, but in Texas vs. Biden on the Southern Border, Who’s Right?

How does the Constitution relate to the #BidenBorderCrisis battle going on right now between Texas, Gov. Abbott, and Joe Biden? Seems like it might be a relevant question – but like so much in today's politics, it may come down to which side you're on.  The Framers may have envisioned an invasion – a fighting force from a single country like Spain or England – as an attempt to conquer America. But today we’re seeing “migrants” – as they're termed by the Mainstream Media – invading from countries that include Russia & China.


THOMAS: Biden's Bad 'Give Me Emergency Authority to Shut Down the Border' Deal

Joe Biden offered a deal on the border to Congressional Republicans that they, supposedly, could not refuse. To their credit, they did. The proposed deal, Biden said, would "give me as president, the emergency authority to shut down the border until it could get back under control." This is ridiculous on its face. Biden's White House has refused to enforce immigration laws that have been in place for years, but now the president says he will selectively enforce a new law?


Why Does Biden Hate ‘Making America Great?’

Don’t misunderstand, he clearly does hate the phrase. In the parts of his public speeches that are not jibberish he has routinely focused heated, dishonest rhetoric at anyone who subscribes to the idea. He’s been hateful towards those people in so much that openly ridicules their existence. And he’s willing to do such even if it slanders half or more of the nation he is supposed to be serving.


Nikki Haley's Strategies?

Gov. Nikki Haley lost the New Hampshire primary by 11 percent. She had earlier come in third in Iowa caucuses behind Florida Gov. DeSantis. But DeSantis dropped out of the race and endorsed Donald Trump. Haley confidently announced that at last there was a two-person, head-to-head race. Her subtext was that if she did not win the upcoming two-person primaries, she would come in "second" rather than "last."


ELDER: Black National Anthem at Super Bowl? What If a White Player 'Takes a Knee'?

As for the "black national anthem" to be sung at the Super Bowl, what's next? What happens if some players reject the narrative that blacks remain victims and consider the singing of the black national anthem at the Super Bowl divisive? The first white or black player who takes a Super Bowl knee during the "black national anthem" will immediately have the league's bestselling jersey. As Nike says, "Just do it!"


WOOLLEY: All Across the Nation, People Are Waking Up to the Dangers of Allowing a Select Few Elites to Run the Country

Think about it: When today's woke-left Liberals & Democrats control your life instead of you, everything goes wrong. People all over the nation – including Democrats – are waking up to the idea that a select few left-wing elites are running the White House and making their lives worse. Will they be moved to vote? Joe Biden would likely get us into more wars, kick inflation into overdrive, and bring millions more non-English-speaking illegals into our country.


McCAUGHEY: Biden, Pro-Migrant Democrats Playing Russian Roulette With Our Safety

If you're rushing to the airport and forget your photo ID, good luck being allowed on the plane. But many migrants without "an acceptable form of identification," according to airport signs, don't need a photo. Migrants who have entered the country using President Joe Biden's new CBP (Customs & Border Protection) One app – about 422,000 of them – can fly domestically without a Photo ID. Remember 9/11?


McKAY: Gov. Abbott, Send Every Illegal Immigrant From Now On to Washington, D.C.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott needs to stop busing migrants to Chicago, New York, Detroit, Denver, or any other blue city around the country and focus on the one place that matters most. Every single migrant crossing into Texas should be collected and shipped to Washington, D.C. Bury it, focus & trap the suffering where the power brokers live. Shut D.C. down with illegal migrants. Make them so miserable that maybe then we’ll see some change.


THOMAS: Democrats & Abortion? Bring It on

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio has a "Winning Pro-Life Strategy" plan. "First, develop and fight for a compassionate, pro-family agenda that counters caricatures of our beliefs and makes life easier for mothers and their children. Second, put Democrats on the defensive about their extreme support for abortion. Third, tell the truth about abortion – the taking of innocent life – and advocate for limits to the practice." And there's more...


SCHLICHTER: Time for Us DeSantis Supporters to Rally Around Donald Trump

Now that Gov. DeSantis has dropped out of the race, I have a message for all my fellow DeSantis supporters about how to move forward after a bruising primary. Don’t confuse being butt-hurt over some 3rd-tier slanders, or the disappointment that comes with losing when you think you should’ve won, with occupying the Moral High Ground. You’re not a better person if your actions help Joe Biden win. This is real. It's life and death.


HANSON: Democrats Scare People Silly, Gin Up Chaos to Destroy Their Perceived Enemies

It used to be – 50 years or so ago – that a right-wing paranoia gripped our nation, but today its a hysterical left-wing style of inventing scandals and manipulating public perceptions that exists. In 2016 President Donald Trump was declared an "existential threat to our democracy." Amid this derangement syndrome, any means to stop him were justified: Russian collusion, Hunter's laptop disinformation. Now "the left" seeks to remove the leading presidential candidate from State Ballots, and indict him in court.


THOMAS: Is It Over? The Reasons Behind Voter Anger & Desire to Move In a Different Direction

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich appeared on Fox News Monday night as Iowa voters caucused and delivered a decisive victory for Donald Trump. Gingrich predicted that Trump would not only win the nomination, but would win the White House in November with a minimum of 29 states. "Trump is not a candidate. Trump is the leader of a nationwide movement to take back power from the Establishment." said Newt.


YORK: Here's What Explains Donald Trump's Big Iowa Win

Trump won big, period. He won 98 of Iowa's 99 counties. He won women voters. He won men. He won urban, suburban & rural voters. He won every age group over 30, losing only the 18 to 29 group. He won Evangelical Christians. He won college graduates. He won those without a college degree. In short, he won everybody. The Iowa Caucuses confirmed what the polls had said for months. Voters are angry, and want to move the nation in a different direction.


HUNTER: After Democrats Get What They Want, Real People are Worse Off (Again)

Well, it’s already happening. “Two major California Pizza Hut franchisees — PacPizza & Southern California Pizza — are laying off over 1,200 Delivery Workers ahead of the new Statewide Minimum Wage hike for fast food workers that starts April 1st,” reports the Nation’s Restaurant News. Remember last year's UAW strike? For huge raises & benefits? Democrats rallied around them, the White House took their side. Now that “victory” is turning into what anyone could predict: inflation increases for the average American.


BOMBERGER: MLK, the United States, & the Grace None of Us Deserve

We’re all flawed human beings – but we can all learn eternally valuable things from each other. Those heralded in history as our Civil Rights Champions were no different. They had a calling on their imperfect lives, they drew women and men to their cause in the murkiness that is our humanity. Most people know only of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famous "I Have a Dream" speech, and its ability to stir the soul toward justice. America's seen an undeniable fulfillment of so much of that Dream.


HANSON: Biden, Democrats & 'The Left' are... 'Saving' Democracy by Destroying It?

Privately, "The Left" knows that its historically unprecedented strangulation of "Democracy as we know it" is increasing Trump's popularity. But like an addict, it cannot quit its Trump fix. Democrats are tearing the country apart in a manner not seen since the Civil War era, and is creating historic, anti-democratic precedents that will someday boomerang on them should Republicans win in November.


Antisemitism From the Left

Jews are feeling increasingly afraid and unwelcome. Last week, girls on the basketball team of a Jewish private school in suburban Hartsdale, New York, were jabbed and hit with antisemitic slurs by players from Yonkers' Roosevelt High School. "I support Hamas, you f---ing Jew," a Roosevelt player snarled. The game had to be called off in the third quarter, and the Jewish girls needed school security to help them leave.


