

L.A. Times has Begun Democrats’ 'Dump-Kamala' Effort: It’s Starting to Get Serious

As 2024 approaches, and victory seems certain over the man they fear and hate the most, Democrats face what looks to be an insoluble dilemma. The Los Angeles Times on Monday became the first major cog in the left’s Propaganda Machine to come out for dumping Kamala Harris and replacing her with a more viable candidate. The people in charge know that Old Joe is only going to get more embarrassing – and that Kamala Harris is even worse.


SCHLICHTER: Of Course Trump Should Opt-Out of Wednesday's Debate

I really wish Donald Trump would participate in the Republican debate on Wednesday, August 23rd, but the objective observer in me has to say the opposite. Trump joining his competitors on that stage is bad strategy. He should do what is best for his campaign, and in purely strategic terms, Trump debating right now is nuts. He should sit this one out – and here's why.


MOORE: After So Many Battery Fires & Deaths, Is It Time to Ban Electric Vehicles?

The New York Fire Department recently reported that there have been 108 lithium-ion battery fires there so far this year, which have injured 66 people and killed 13. According to FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh, "There's not a small amount of fire, the vehicle literally explodes." So the same scaremongers on the left who want bans on gas stoves & plastic straws have a surprisingly high pain threshold when it comes to people dying from "green" electric battery fires?


GRAMM & ARRINGTON: Instead of Harassing Taxpayers, Biden Should Track Down Tax Cheats Who Stole Their Money

Criminals stole at least $1 trillion from taxpayers during the COVID-19 Pandemic, yet to date President Biden's offered only lip service and modest funding to try to reclaim those funds or punish wrongdoers. Meanwhile, the IRS is hiring an army of agents to shake down middle-class Americans Mr. Biden calls tax avoiders. Despite his claims, the new IRS agents won't be targeting "the rich" – nearly half the audits will hit Americans making $75,000 or less.


MOORE: Is Biden Moving to Ban Cigars? Another Classic Bait-&-Switch by Democrats & The Left

Gas stoves, gas cars, dishwashers, plastic straws, snowmobiles and diving boards. What is it with The Left that they want to ban nearly everything that's fun or convenient? Now Joe Biden's Food & Drug Administration wants to ban certain cigars. Last year a Federal Judge ruled their effort was "arbitrary & capricious," which makes the FDA's push to finalize a "Cigar Rule" by the fall even more regulatory overreach by non-elected bureaucrats.


Angry Young Men Are Going To Disrupt The Garbage Paradigm

The young female-identifying have shown themselves overwhelmingly leftist, while the young male-identifying have shown themselves overwhelmingly right-wing. That’s certainly better than all of them being commies. It seems somewhat bizarre that our country may eventually be saved by a bunch of dudes painted as couch-dwelling, video game-loving losers, but that salvation might not be pretty or gentle.


HANSON: Who, and When Will We Say 'No More' to the Current Madness?

Joe Biden birthed the worst inflation in 40 years – interest rates tripled, gas prices doubled – and has utterly destroyed the Southern Border & Immigration Law, allowing 7 million illegal aliens into the U.S. without legal sanctions. Our enemies – Russia, China, Iran, North Korea – are on the move. Our military's 1,000s of recruits short, and lacks sufficient munitions. Biden's renegade Dept. of Justice, FBI & CIA have become weaponized with politics & race – not the law.


McCAUGHEY: Biden's Weaponization of the DOJ Attacks the Rights of Defendants – and You Could Be Next

Day by day, our right to speak freely is being robbed by the Biden White House. Normally, prosecutors are required to show the accused all the evidence that will be presented against them, but in this special instance involving former President Donald Trump, Prosecutor Jack Smith is refusing to share their supposed evidence – until and unless Mr. Trump is gagged. But that's how courts are run in countries like Pakistan, Russia & North Korea.


STAR PARKER: Here's a Case for Trump to Not Debate

With Mike Pence now qualifying for the Republican debate in Milwaukee on Aug. 23rd, there are now eight candidates qualified to participate. However, one of those eight is former President Donald Trump, who suggests he's not inclined to show up. I think there's a strong case to be made that if what we want this election to be about is navigating toward the best interests of the country and its citizens, it may be best for him not to participate.


HUNTER: If No One with Job of Reporting is Going to Educate the Public on Biden’s Corruption, We Have to

House Republicans continue to uncover a pattern of financial transactions that, at a minimum, show ties between Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Yet for the sock-puppet, leftist-advocating media, the Biden’s corruption is only “Republicans smearing a man who just loves his kid.” Still, massive amounts of evidence are growing almost daily, and they're revealing a level of bribery the likes of which the nation's never seen.


HANSON: Here's the Rundown – 2 Sets of Laws, for 2 Americas

Out of pathological hatred or fear of Donald Trump, the Left has crafted one set of laws for themselves, and another for all other Americans. They smugly believe their own moral superiority grants them such a right to apply laws unequally – or to ignore them altogether. To retain power at all cost, and to destroy a political rival, left-wing Democrats are systematically dismantling the constitutional foundations of the United States as we once knew them.


NIXON: Texas Needs Cross-Border Bridges to Keep Jobs, Economic Growth, Trade Moving

The latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows that Mexico is now the United States’ largest trading partner, surpassing both Canada & China in volume.  Total trade reached nearly $69 billion in May, and the first five months of 2023 are well ahead of the record pace set in 2022. Texas is the nation’s largest exporting state, and 2nd-largest importing state – and our Cross-Border Bridge infrastructure needs help to keep things moving.


WOOLLEY: Texas A&M Hiring Debacle Exposes Liberalism of Texas Universities

When the story about that botched Journalism School hiring at Texas A&M broke recently, I wrote it off as just more left-wing propaganda. But in light of what’s taken place, turns out it’s about more than just a squabble about whether a professor – fixated on diversity – should re-start a journalism department. Its exposed the false notion that journalism schools teach journalism, and raises the question: Is A&M just another left-wing institution like the University of Texas?


HANSON: 5 Things to Consider in the Wild 2024 Race That's 15 Months Away

Not since 1912 have two presidents run against each other. Current polls, pundits and politicos insist that the 2024 race is a sure rematch between former President Donald Trump and incumbent President Joe Biden. It may well turn out that way – but in past election cycles, summer polls 15 months before the general election usually did not mean much. And, its difficult to envision how a frail Biden will hold up.


Irony at the Border

The Department of Justice has announced it is suing Texas Republican Governor Gregg Abbott for using floating barriers in the Rio Grande river to stop migrants who are breaking U.S. law by illegally crossing the Southern border. . .Gov. Abbot's response to the lawsuit was a terse, "I'll see you in court, Mr. President."


McCAUGHEY: Democrats Are Becoming, Have Become the Censorship Party

A July 20th Pew Research Poll found that 70% of Democrats think the government should restrict what appears on Social Media. But just ask the Iranians, Russians or Chinese – Democracy cannot survive if one of the nation's two major political parties wants to put blinders on the public, limiting their access to information and canceling political opponents. Democrats need a refresher course on the Constitution & American history.


Much of the Hot Air Is Coming From Washington

We had multiple ice ages and heat waves long before we had coal mines, gas-guzzling automobiles and air conditioning. Or human-made CO2 emissions. Or human-made anything. The biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions has been Mother Nature. Forest fires and volcano eruptions have been some of the leading causes of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere. . . Instead of outlawing cars, how about better forest management?


SCHLICHTER: Brazen Criminality – The Inevitable Impeachment of Alleged President Biden

What you want doesn't matter. It's clear PINO (President-in-name-only) Joe Biden is going to get impeached. What history teaches matters, and what history teaches is that this body of evidence can't go unchallenged. At the end of the day he won't be removed from office, but there's now too much evidence to avoid it – and the GOP'll be forced into it by the sheer magnitude and brazenness of the criminality they've exposed.


HANSON: The Biden Family... As Cocaine's Found in The West Wing of the White House

Suspicions are the Force Multipliers of the mounting evidence of the Biden Family's corruption. They feed narratives of heartlessness, of the absolute meanness in disowning a granddaughter born out of wedlock to Hunter. They add to the growing list of worry about presidential senility – and result in a caricature of a 1st family utterly out of touch, dysfunctional and increasingly detrimental to the nation at large.


Biden's Upside-Down Defense Policy

For decades, federal law has prohibited the Defense Department from spending tax dollars on most abortions. -- Forty-two years ago, for example, President Ronald Reagan signed a defense appropriations bill that said, "None of the funds provided by this Act shall be used to perform abortions except where the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term.


