



CONG. McCAUL: Biden's Open Border is Wreaking Havoc on Our Nation

On his first day in office, President Biden rescinded border policies that were effectively working — like Remain in Mexico — and keeping our country safe. Now, the consequences of that decision are wreaking havoc across our nation, and Texas continues to unfairly bear the brunt of it. I am one voice, but I represent 800,000 people, and our message is simple: we have had enough.


Rep. Randy Weber Joins Chairman McCaul, Colleagues at the Southern Border

Last weekend, I joined Chairman Michael McCaul, Rep. Henry Cuellar, Rep. Tony Gonzales, and Rep. Monica De La Cruz in McAllen, Texas at the state's Southern Border.  We then traveled to Mexico City to meet with government leaders in Mexico to discussed strategies to address migration and increase trade between our two nations. Moving forward, we cannot continue playing defense on the 1-yard line called the U.S.-Mexico border.


CHRISTIAN: Biden’s Policies Leave Americans with Higher Costs & Our European Allies in Deadly Situation

“This move by the Biden White House is just the latest in a long line of actions to dismantle American oil & gas production – and it does NOT eliminate emissions. It simply exports them to dirtier and more hostile producers overseas. President Biden will always choose his climate catastrophist friends over increasing fossil fuel production and lowering energy costs — for both Americans and our allies," said Texas Railroad Comm. Wayne Christian following the latest Biden action.


Why Does Biden Hate ‘Making America Great?’

Don’t misunderstand, he clearly does hate the phrase. In the parts of his public speeches that are not jibberish he has routinely focused heated, dishonest rhetoric at anyone who subscribes to the idea. He’s been hateful towards those people in so much that openly ridicules their existence. And he’s willing to do such even if it slanders half or more of the nation he is supposed to be serving.


ERINAKES: The Power of Words & Money in Tuesday's Special Election for Texas House District 2

Why would Sen. Ted Cruz, Attorney General Ken Paxton, and Gov. Greg Abbott endorse a "Never Trump" candidate in next week's Special Election Runoff for House District 2 who recently called our Texas Governor "worthless & spineless"? Is it because – as some of their staff have suggested – that they themselves didn’t personally vet this candidate, but instead relied on the same out-of-district donors that are trying to overrule the district's voters with their out-of-district funding?


Sens. Cruz, Scott, Ossoff Lead Bipartisan Effort Ensuring Veterans Receive Timely Access to Health Care

U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), and Jon Ossoff (D-Ga.) introduced the bipartisan and bicameral Scheduling for Community Health and Easy Data to Understand for Legislators to Evaluate Services (SCHEDULES) Act. The bill would require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) to establish a comprehensive standard for timing between referrals and appointments at VA facilities.


Rep. Cuellar and Colleagues Visit Mexico on Bipartisan Congressional Delegation

U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar, Ph.D. (TX-28), along with other members of the Texas delegation, participated in a bipartisan Congressional Delegation (CODEL) to Mexico City to meet with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and other officials regarding the historic surge of migration at the US-Mexico border.


Governor Abbott Highlights Texas’ Robust Technology Industry In New Delhi

Governor Greg Abbott yesterday held another series of meetings with business leaders and government officials to discuss the growing technology industry in Texas and attended an afternoon reception with young business leaders in New Delhi, India. Joined by First Lady Cecilia Abbott, Secretary of State Jane Nelson, Adriana Cruz, Arun Agarwal, and Aaron Demerson


Commissioner Buckingham Announces the Veterans Land Board's 'Valentines for Veterans' Campaign

Texas Land Commissioner and Veterans Land Board (VLB) Chairwoman Dawn Buckingham, M.D. encouraged Texans to participate in the VLB's campaign to send Valentines cards to the Veterans who reside in Texas' nine State Veterans Homes. The Texas GLO and the VLB urges Texans to take part in this mission to show these courageous men and women that they are an integral part of our communities. 


Nikki Haley's Strategies?

Gov. Nikki Haley lost the New Hampshire primary by 11 percent. She had earlier come in third in Iowa caucuses behind Florida Gov. DeSantis. But DeSantis dropped out of the race and endorsed Donald Trump. Haley confidently announced that at last there was a two-person, head-to-head race. Her subtext was that if she did not win the upcoming two-person primaries, she would come in "second" rather than "last."


BROWN: Governors Nationwide Rallying Behind Abbott as Biden Threatens Texas – 'Enough Is Enough'

Now that Joe Biden and the Democrat Party are suffering greatly because of his refusal to stop encouraging illegal immigrants from streaming into the U.S. without consequence, the least he could do is stop attacking those like Gov. Greg Abbott who are leading the way to try and stop the invasion. But while Mr. Biden continues to abdicate his duty to protect us, Abbott must continue to stand strong and – in the spirit of Texas' rich history – tell Biden to "Come & Take It."


Rep. Tony Gonzales Visits Fort Bliss Army Base

Congressman Tony Gonzales met with the Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Weimer, Brigadier General Susie Kuilan, and U.S. Army personnel at Fort Bliss Army Base in El Paso. Congressman Gonzales is a fierce advocate in Congress for veterans and servicemembers. Recently, he led efforts to secure $74 million for Fort Bliss and $700 million in funding for a new El Paso VA Health Care Center.


CONG. PFLUGER: Biden 'Effort to Take Away Gas-Powered Cars & Trucks Will Not be Tolerated'

“President Biden doesn't know the first thing about Rural America's vehicle needs, and the federal government doesn't have the right to take away gas-powered Cars & Trucks – it will not be tolerated,” said West Texas Cong. August Pfluger, as he and Senators Crapo (R-ID) and Ted Cruz, as well as Cong. Tim Walberg (R-MI) and 121 other lawmakers called on Mr. Biden's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to withdraw his latest CAFE proposal for passenger cars & light-duty trucks. 


ELDER: Black National Anthem at Super Bowl? What If a White Player 'Takes a Knee'?

As for the "black national anthem" to be sung at the Super Bowl, what's next? What happens if some players reject the narrative that blacks remain victims and consider the singing of the black national anthem at the Super Bowl divisive? The first white or black player who takes a Super Bowl knee during the "black national anthem" will immediately have the league's bestselling jersey. As Nike says, "Just do it!"


WOOLLEY: All Across the Nation, People Are Waking Up to the Dangers of Allowing a Select Few Elites to Run the Country

Think about it: When today's woke-left Liberals & Democrats control your life instead of you, everything goes wrong. People all over the nation – including Democrats – are waking up to the idea that a select few left-wing elites are running the White House and making their lives worse. Will they be moved to vote? Joe Biden would likely get us into more wars, kick inflation into overdrive, and bring millions more non-English-speaking illegals into our country.


Texas Adds More Jobs in 2023 Than Any Other State: 'More Texans are Working...'

“The greatest testament to the strength of Texas' expanding opportunity can be summed up in four simple words: More Texans are working," said Gov. Greg Abbott, after the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics announced Texas led the nation between December 2022 and December 2023 to again break all previous records for total jobs, the number of Texans working, and the size of the Texas labor force. December marked 34 months of uninterrupted job growth in Texas.


Pfluger Pushes Legislation to Kill the 'Death Tax' – Permanently

"Only the federal government would look at death as an opportunity to tax hardworking business, land & home owners. Now it's time to kill the death tax once and for all," said Cong. August Pfluger earlier this week, proudly joining Cong. Randy Feenstra (IA-04) in introducing the "Death Tax Repeal Act" to permanently repeal the death tax and protect the transfer of property, land, and other assets from a deceased family member to the heirs of family farms and businesses.


Harmony Charter Schools Recognized with Highest Awards in Texas School Finance

Harmony Schools has received the "Award of Excellence for Financial Management" and the "Award of Merit for Purchasing Operations" and been recognized for their exemplary purchasing practices and responsible stewardship of Public Funds.  The Texas Association of School Business Officials reviewed organization, policies and procedures, contract operations, staff training and certification, use of technology, communication, and management of co-operative programs before giving the awards. 


