The Scoop


HANSON: Sorry Democrats & Liberals. DOGE Is 100% Legal – Here’s Why

Let’s get straight what Elon Musk is trying to do – and dispel Democrat's mis-truths right from the start. He’s going through the Federal Government and finding unbelievable Waste & Fraud, and more. He has Executive & Statutory Authority, and is not a "freelancer" – he was appointed by the president of the United States who created the Dept. of Government Efficiency, or DOGE. Mr. Musk has the same powers as the National Security Adviser – and as for impounding funds, Joe Biden set the precedent.


Sen. Phil King Introduces Bill to Return 10 Commandments Display to Texas Classrooms

"You can still find the 10 Commandments displayed inside the U.S. Supreme Court, and a monument to the 10 Commandments stands prominently on the Texas Capitol grounds," said Texas State Sen. Phil King as he filed Senate Bill 10 as priority legislation to require Texas’ public schools to once again display the 10 Commandments in classrooms across the Lone Star State. It follows the historic 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision which overturned a faulty legal precedent used since 1980 to prohibit such displays.


POLITICO: That 'Fascist, State-Run Media Operation' Democrats Feared Trump Would Create? THEY Did It

This is what a state-run media operation looks like. It's known as a generally respected online publication called "Politico" – but as Elon Musk, the DOGE Investigation into US-AID, and additional information emerges, shocking details revealed today that the regime Donald Trump has referred to for years as "The Swamp" funds its allies in the press – while targeting and silencing real journalism... Who knew?!


Donald Trump Puts His Presidency at Warp Speed after Taking Oath of the Presidency

​​​​​​​“From this moment on, America’s decline is over,” declared President Donald Trump upon being Sworn into Office. “A tide of change is sweeping the country, sunlight is pouring over the entire world, and America has the chance to seize this opportunity like never before,” said Trump in his 2nd Inaugural Address – setting a tone that could serve his administration well. It was a fitting speech for a president who will face many challenges.​​​​​​​ Tomorrow, the work begins.


Saving Lives & Reducing Addiction: Let's Expand Senior's Access to Non-Opioid Pain Treatment

The opioid epidemic remains a devastating crisis in the United States. In 2022 alone, over 80,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses, and nearly 10 million Americans misused opioids. Surprisingly, among the most vulnerable populations affected by this epidemic are seniors. The National Institutes of Health has reported a troubling surge in opioid use and abuse – among those aged 65 and older.


Merriest of Christmases... and a Happy New Year!

From everyone at the Texas Insider to you, our readers and loved ones, may this Christmas Season be filled with Blessings, Love, Joy, and Giving. May you cherish your time and memories together. We wish all a blessed Christmas, and may the Lord continue to bless us and bring us all a brighter, Happy New Year!


BATES: Congress Should Reject Democrat's 'PRO CODES Act'

Builders, tradespeople, homeowners, even DIYers across the country depend on access to various Building & Safety Codes to ensure their projects meet nationally standardized legal and safety standards. But under Democrat Sen. Chris Coons's bill, Standard Development Organizations (SDOs) would be able to copyright the nation's technical standards, meaning they could charge for or control access. The consequences would extend beyond mere inconvenience – and is simply irresponsible.


Senior FBI Official Calls Drones 'Concerning,' as Biden Admin Confirms Sightings Over Military Bases

After after a week of weak excuses, the Biden White House has finally confirmed actual drone sightings over U.S. Military Bases – something they downplayed or denied last week – while continuing to say they aren’t worried about the mysterious flights sparking increased levels of fear among the American public. “We have not identified anything anomalous, and do not assess the activity to date to present a national security or public safety risk,” read a statement from the FBI, the Homeland Security Department, and the U.S. Department of Defense.


Salvation Army Kicks Off Angel Tree Gift Distribution at Friday Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

"After 1,000s of hours of preparation and donated toys and clothing, we finally get to see the relief on parents’ faces. Its the hope, joy, and gratitude of knowing their children will have presents under the tree come Christmas morning,” said The Salvation Army's Austin Area Commander, Major Lewis Reckline, announcing the 8:45am Friday, Dec. 13th Kick Off Event at 6510 S. Congress Ave. in South Austin near William Cannon.


JANEK: Let's Finish Job, Expand Texas' Life-Changing Curative Treatment for Sickle Cell Disease

Gov. Abbott and our State Legislators have shown Texas can lead the way in creating life-changing medical innovations for Texans suffering from chronic afflictions like Sickle Cell Disease. And, our Texas State Agencies have been working expeditiously to expand access to potentially curative treatments. Our medical teams are ready, families are waiting – let's finish what we started and make Texas a national leader in Sickle Cell Treatment.


62% of Americans Oppose Biden's Pardon, 41% Do So Strongly – While 54% Disagree with Joe's Rationale

“Let’s just say the quiet part out loud,” said outgoing Democrat Cong. Dean Phillips – who spoke for many Americans when he posted on X, "Certain Americans are indeed above the law." Joe Biden began his presidency with a series of lies about his son’s influence-peddling and international business dealings, and is ending his career by leaving the White House with a stunning broken promise to the American people. One Senator said he believes Biden will go down in history as not only the worst president ever – but also as the most corrupt.


Judge in Hunter Biden Case Shreds Joe Over Pardon: A President's Attempt to 'Rewrite History' is Not Constitutional

The cover-up and focus on Hunter Biden's years of illicit international influence-peddling and "Family Business" was never really about Hunter Biden – it was, is, and forever will be about covering up the criminal actions of President Joe Biden. ​​​​​​​Every president hands out pardons – but not like this. Joe Biden pardoned his son before he was even sentenced. The U.S. Justice System that has been weaponized against so many other Americans was, for Joe Biden and his son, used as their protection. And, that means particularly for Joe Biden.


Joe Biden’s Pardon of Son Hunter Confirms American's Worst Suspicions, Proves Previous Promises Untrue & Surrenders Democrat's Withering Moral High Ground

Hunter Biden was scheduled to be sentenced on three Federal Gun Charges just 10 days from now, and also on Dec. 16th after pleading guilty to nine Federal Tax Evasion Charges prior to being pardoned Sunday by his 82-year-old father-president near the end of a controversial presidential term that now ensures Hunter spends no time in federal prison. “President Biden is a hypocrite,” said one of many critics. “It makes a mockery of the Democrats,” said another. Presidential pardons are absolute, and cannot be overturned by the courts or Congress.


Legal Attacks Against Trump by 'Special Counsel' Abandoned: “I Persevered Against All Odds, and WON.”

As the Special Counsel who had sought to bring down Donald Trump moved today to abandon both the "Election Interference" and the "Classified Documents" Cases, “I persevered, against all odds, and WON,” said President-Elect Donald Trump, as a momentous finale to an unprecedented chapter in U.S. political & Federal Law Enforcement history closed with Trump emerging indisputably victorious.


Musk & Ramaswamy: We Will Reverse a Decades-Long Executive Branch Power Grab – and Reform Government

"We will focus on driving change through Executive Action, based on existing legislation rather than passing new laws. ​​​​​​​Our North Star for reform will be the U.S. Constitution," said Elon Musk & Vivek Ramaswamy, having been named by President-Elect Trump to serve as Co-Leaders of the Dept. of Government Efficiency, or "DOGE" for short. And according to Musk & Ramaswamy, DOGE will present a list of recommendations to President Trump, who can by Executive Action immediately take action.


Draining the Swamp: 7,000+ Biden-Harris Staffers known as 'Political Appointees' Must Go

Rest assured, efforts to derail Donald Trump’s election mandate are already underway within a high-level group of Government Employees & Biden-Harris Staff known as "Political Appointees." Many of what is referred to as "The Swamp" start their careers there, and subsequently 'burrow in" for a lifelong career of benefits and perks in future administrations. There are 7,000+ such people in each administration, and Trump should get rid of every single one of them if he's serious about draining The Swamp. They all need to go.


TURNS OUT: You Can’t Trick the American People about Inflation

No matter how much money Kamala Harris and the Democrats spent on advertising, it turns out you can't convince American Voters – particularly women – that "the cost of living" and "the economy" are not that bad after a long bout of the highest rate of inflation in 40 years. According to exit polls, Donald Trump won: 45% of the overall Women's Vote; 53% of White Women voters; 38% of Latino Women; 37% of Women aged 18-29; 43% of Women aged 30 to 44; and 50% of Women from ages 45 to 64.


Who're the 'Election Deniers' Now? Pennsylvania Democrats, of Course

Republicans everywhere should pay attention to what defeated Pennsylvania Democrat Sen. Bob Casey is trying to pull off. His lawyers are in court arguing for: 1.) Ballots of NON-Registered “voters”; 2.) Un-Signed Mail-In Ballots; 3.) Mail-In Ballots without Dates; and 4.) Ballots cast in a County where the Voter does NOT Live, to be counted. While he has no chance, this is a warning of Democrat's future Game Plans. They want people who aren’t registered, who don’t have IDs, or who live Out of State to be counted.


Landslide: Trump & America's Voters Shatter Democrat Strongholds, Redraw Electoral Maps

What seemed unthinkable right up until early, early Wednesday Morning, is now in fact reality. It's brought shock and self-degradation from seemingly stunned Democrats – and euphoria from Republicans who can't believe the size and scope of Donald Trump’s "historic" victory. The clear-cut results and resounding defeat of Joe Biden’s vice president has quickly reset the political landscape in Washington, D.C. – its upended the national media's narratives, the pollsters predictions, and Democrat Party elite's desperate hopes.


Trump's Remarkable Victory: Americans of All Political Stripes Rose Up to Defend Themselves, Demand Nation's Problems be Fixed

The Republican Party is now firmly committed to putting American interests first. And Tuesday voters sent a clear message they want their government run for the benefit of its citizens, not for foreigners – and not for ideologies unconnected to their belief in America. An entrenched liberal-elitist, Democrat Ruling Class has been roundly rejected, and the depths from which Americans of all political stripes rose to defend themselves is both a searing indictment of Democrat's leftward lurch, and a demand for the country's problems to be fixed.


