The Scoop


TAB Chair VILLARREAL: To Help U.S. Lead, Texas Needs to Maintain Tech & AI Dominance Over China

A recent study found that Austin is emerging as a "Top Tier City" for tech talent, ranking #1 in the United States. And, I applaud the Texas Legislature for taking on the Tech & Artificial Intelligence (AI) challenges – but lawmakers at all levels should remain cautious about pursuing policies that slow AI innovations and tech developments. This is particularly important in light of recent reports that China is developing an AI Model trained to promote “socialism with Chinese characteristics.” The U.S. can't afford to lose its leadership position in AI to China.


RASMUSSEN: Majority of Voters Now Think Joe Biden's Mental Decline Is Real

While President Biden continues to campaign for another four years in the White House, a majority of "Likely U.S. Voters" now say they perceive he is losing his mental sharpness. The latest Rasmussen Reports National Telephone & Online Survey finds that 57% of "Likely U.S. Voters" think that – over time – Mr. Biden is becoming less and less mentally sharp, and most recently said they suspect the Mainstream Media is trying to cover up the president’s cognitive decline.


Half of All New Jobs Created Since October Have Gone to Immigrants, says Committee Report

As the Inflation & Family Finances continue to dominate voter's concerns about the future, one recent report revealed "U.S. Consumer Confidence" had deteriorated for a 3rd straight month. And after May's Employment Figures were released earlier this morning by the Labor Dept., the U.S. House Budget Committee announced it's analysis shows roughly half of all new jobs created since October have gone to immigrants – many of whom are illegal immigrants. "It shows a far weaker economy than suggested,” said the Committee's Chairman, Jodey Arrington of Texas.


POST TRIAL: More "Independents" in Key Swing States say They'll Likely Vote for Trump, than Those Who Won't

Former President Donald Trump's New York City trial has continued to dominate a good part of this week's media news – which has taken to a new level their efforts to turn Americans against the man polls show they support more than Joe Biden. But as the former president readies himself to appeal the verdict, numerous polls now show that the trial's overall impact hasn't much swayed the opinion of voters as Democrats and the media had hoped. In fact, Trump's seen a boost in support from "Independent Voters."


BREAKING: Georgia Appeals Court Halts Fani Willis's Prosecution of Donald Trump, as Conflict of interest Questions Linger

Pending a final decision on disqualifying Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, a one-page Georgia Appellate Court order today will halt the controversial trial against former President Donald Trump until it is determined whether Willis should have been disqualified from the case or not. Wednesday’s ruling means the case cannot even proceed in the interim, and comes after questions of financial conflict of interest were raised as Willis and the man she later named to lead the investigation, Nathan Wade, admitted to having had a lengthy sexual affair.


GIARITELLI: Border Patrol's Lost 25% of Its Workforce Since Biden Elected – the 'Biden Effect?'

“Under Biden, things are the worst they've ever been – by far,” said one agent based in Arizona. “Agents are calling in all the time. You always hear ‘It doesn’t matter,’ or ‘What’s the point?’ in reference to doing our job. Agents are afraid of ending up on the news for doing their job – or getting in trouble for doing their job. ​​​​​​​There is no morale.” And the Agents blame Biden. With over 4,000 Federal Border Patrol Agents gone since October 2020, the early retirement rate is twice what it was under either the Obama or Trump Administrations.


Trump Gets 6% Bump in Approval after Trial Decision, says Daily Mail Snap Poll

"Amongst those who are open to changing their mind, people feel more positive by a margin of 6%. That's outside the margin of the error, and we're saying that's significant," said J.L. Partners James Johnson, who conducted the poll and added, "In particular, it extends to Independent Voters. Look at the explanations and it's clear why: people feel it was a politically motivated trial, and they view Trump as a 'fighter' – against what they see as injustice." Could a conviction help Donald Trump win over the voters who matter?


A Low Point in U.S. History? Trump Found Guilty on All Counts in Bookkeeping Trial

After the jury began deliberating Wednesday morning following Judge Juan Merchan's delivering instructions on how to deliberate the relevant legal definitions and considerations of the trial, former President Donald Trump sat sullenly – looking down at the table before him – as the verdict was read Thursday afternoon bringing an end to a weeks-long trial that dominated headlines and led to a historic conviction that will be wielded against the presumptive GOP nominee throughout the rest of his 2024 Campaign.


Sen. Cruz Highlights How FAA Reauthorization Will Benefit Austin-Bergstrom Airport

The bipartisan FAA Reauthorization Bill, which Sen. Cruz authored along with Commerce Committee Chairwoman Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) and was signed into law this month, contains numerous provisions that will improve safety and efficiency at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. The law requires the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to hire the maximum amount of Air Traffic Controllers, which will help address staffing shortfalls at the airport. Other provisions include...


54% of Democrats Now say They 'Approve' of Dumping Biden from Ticket

The latest devastating poll results for National Democrats and Joe Biden were delivered by Rasmussen Reports on Tuesday. More Democrats than Republicans now say they want President Joe Biden kicked off the ticket – with 54% of Democrat "Likely Voters" saying they would "approve" of Mr. Biden being replaced. Just 37% of Democrats said they would "disapprove" of replacing him. It's an unparalleled and shocking dismissal of the Democrat Party chief – and the lack of a viable 2nd choice may also be playing a key role in depressing Democrats.


American Consumers are Believing Their Own Eyes – Instead of Joe Biden's Inflation Gimmicks

When it comes to measuring the country's national rate of inflation, the latest government gimmick will infuriate you – particularly when it comes to measuring the cost of your morning cup of coffee. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) uses a "basket of goods" to calculate the inflation rate – which is supposed to represent what regular Americans buy. The problem is, they keep taking things out of the basket. In fact, the April 2024 CPI inflation report last week was the first to NOT include coffee price inflation.


Who’s Profiting from Education Spending In Texas? Ft. Worth ISD Spent $10,197,289.95 on Lobbyists, Consultants & Legal Expenses

Ahead of next Tuesday's Run-Off Elections in Texas, many Texans are being told that various schools or ISD's are running large budget deficits – which means local Superintendents are being looked at for their district’s fiscal mismanagement practices. But looking behind the curtain, Private Vendor “Consultants” or “Lobbyists” in too many ISDs are pocketing millions of your school tax dollars – while Students & Teachers are being told “there’s not enough money.” Here's just a few examples.


STUDY: With 10%-27% of Non-Citizen Adults in U.S. Illegally Registered to Vote, November's Election Could be Altered

Roughly 1.0 million to 2.7 million Non-Citizens will illegally vote in the 2024 Presidential & Congressional Elections this year – unless stronger integrity measures are implemented. That's the conclusion of a newly released report from the Just Facts Research Group, which says that since between 10%-27% of Non-Citizen Adults in the U.S. are illegally registered to vote, the following facts prove there are currently wide enough openings for the results of November's Election to be altered.


Over Half of Americans Are Worried They Can't, Won’t Achieve Financial Security in Retirement

With "the Economy & Inflation" at the top of everyone's list of concerns this year, a recent study found that 79% of Americans now believe there's a "Retirement Crisis – up 12% from 2020. While nearly every American has paid into Social Security – with the understanding we'll eventually reap those benefits – many Americans are growing increasingly concerned about their retirement savings. The reality may be daunting, but the private sector offers solutions to the government’s uncertainty.


TURLEY: Even CNN & MSNBC's Anchors are Criticizing Trump's Accusers – and the 'Star Witness'

CNN’s Anderson Cooper has admitted that he'd "absolutely" have doubts about "Star Witness" Michael Cohen’s testimony if he were a member of the jury. And CNN Legal Analyst Elie Honig – a former State & Federal Prosecutor himself declared: “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a star cooperating witness get his knees chopped out quite as clearly and dramatically.” So if liberal, anti-Trump legal experts say they don't yet understand the still mysterious case, will the jury realize they too are being played.


Four Local Charter School Seniors Awarded College Scholarships from Dove Spring Proud

Harmony Public Charter Schools of Central Texas announced that four seniors from Harmony School of Excellence-Austin were recipients of a $500 scholarship from Dove Spring Proud. Students were recognized at a special ceremony held at the Texas State Capitol on May 10, 2024 – and to be considered for the scholarship, students must live or go to school in the 78744 ZIP code and be college-bound with an acceptance in hand. In addition. The students had the opportunity to meet with Texas State Senator Judith Zaffirini.


TURLEY: Democrats May Have a Trump Trial Featuring Stormy Daniels – but All they Need Now, is a Crime

It was a Dumpster Fire that New York Judge Juan Merchan watched burn for a full day in his courtroom yesterday – and then said the jury may have to disregard much of what they saw or heard. To this day, neither prosecutors trying the case, nor the Manhattan District Attorney who brought it, have said or defined exactly what crime former President Trump is being tried for. And, "Adult Film Star" Stormy Daniels – who has previously said the alleged tryst never happened – will be back on the stand Thursday.


Biden Speaks About Explosion of Anti-Semitism that's Occurring Under his Watch

President Biden went to Capitol Hill today and spoke at the U.S. Holocaust Museum’s Memorial Days of Remembrance Event. He addressed the explosion of anti-Semitism that's occurring under his watch, but the problem is that Mr. Biden is empowering anti-Semites every time he condemns anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in the same breath. Anti-Semitism is hatred. Islamophobia is not hatred, but a fear of radical Islam based upon what radical Islamists regularly do.


Democrat's & Biden's Playbook: Are Dissension & Discontent Boomeranging

As Americans we know right from wrong. We know our nation’s history – and where we did or didn’t do well. We know our place on Earth, and why people from around the globe seek to come to America while virtually no one wants to leave. But as "The Left" continues to force its outlandish & radical ideas on the rest of us, will the pushback, disgust & outrage be equal to if not greater this November?​​ ​​​​​Many on the Woke Democrat Left are even concerned about the direction Democrats are heading.


Congressman Pete Sessions Mourns the Loss of District Director, Kevin Burnette

“My heart is heavy, and I'm sad to announce the passing of my longtime friend Kevin Burnette," said Cong. Pete Sessions, following the unexpected death of his Texas Congressional District 17 District Director, Kevin Burnette, who passed away Sunday night. "A veteran of public service & Congressional Politics for over five decades, Kevin worked a fulfilling career – and left an enduring impact on his state and his peers. It was an honor to know him, and a privilege to work with him," said Sessions.


