A new poll conducted across Texas has found that a majority of Hispanic Voters in the state support constructing a Border Ball, as the nation continues to see an increase in violent crimes and record numbers of illegal immigrants flooding across the Southern Border. And because Hispanic voters have long been viewed as a crucial voting bloc for Texas Democrats, the shift away from the Democrat Party and toward Republican policies on the border issue is raising major concerns for Texas Democrats.
“The morale and motivation to go out and work has been destroyed – and will take a generation of agents before it ever begins to return,” said one of the five Border Patrol Agents who spoke with the Washington Examiner, expressing skepticism that a Senate Impeachment Trial, even a conviction, will have a significant impact on the department’s roughly 19,000 Border Patrol Agents nationwide. Having been dragged through the mud since Mayorkas was confirmed in February 2021, one Texas agent texted, “I want to see him GONE!”
“With more than 513,000 State Criminal Offenses – including murder, sexual assault & robbery – many of these criminal aliens remain in our jails for weeks or months, unable to secure bond due to their immigration status. By providing Federal Funds to offset the costs on State & Local Governments, including County Jails, we'd uphold our commitment to public safety while easing the strain," said Chambers County Sheriff Brian Hawthorne, who serves as Legislative Chair for the Texas Sheriffs’ Association which is backing Gonzales's effort.
Big news in the world of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) the past few weeks: JP Morgan Chase, BlackRock & State Street Global Investors have backed away from a multi-national alliance intended to fight "climate change." That's welcome news for taxpayers, as many of these initiatives advocate for bad policies – like higher taxes and more regulatory red tape. Americans have become increasingly skeptical of politicians who place excessive emphasis on "the environment," and use them as pawns in their culture wars.
It only takes one trip to the mailbox – or these days to your Inbox or Social Media & Text Streams – to be overwhelmed by political candidates trying to out-conservative each other. What was once a constant stream of ideas, is now essentially cow-nuggets thrown up against the wall to see what sticks. The mail onslaught can sometimes tell you which candidate's taken the most out-of-district money – and in the recent House Dist. 2 Special Election, conservative Jill Dutton overcame it by focusing on her opponent's contributors.
Texans – as proud citizens of the world’s 8th Largest Economy – see in Israel a natural partner for collaboration. We share common ground with Israel's innovation economy, making us ideal partners for continued support of Israel's "Start Up Nation." Many Israeli companies – including Alon Energy, Elbit Systems, and NICE – have already established a presence in Texas, while Texas-based companies continue to support Israel’s capacity to defend itself. In fact, Israel’s F-35 combat planes are manufactured in Ft. Worth.
Not surprisingly, the State of New York can’t say how it was harmed by Donald Trump’s commercial loans – because it wasn’t harmed by them. Yes, the government told the court Mr. Trump defrauded his lenders by inaccurately stating his assets. But Mr. Trump’s banks did their own due diligence on the value of the assets he'd pledged for his loans, they told the court Mr. Trump paid back every dime he borrowed (with interest!) – and that Trump was such a good customer they’d gladly lend to him again.
Fronton Island is a 170-acre piece of land located in the middle of the Rio Grande River in one of the most dangerous sections of the Texas-Mexico Border. It had been used by multiple Cartels to push guns, drugs, bombs and human trafficking through our nation's Southern Border, threatening the safety of those who work and live there – until Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham called in the Texas Dept. of Public Safety & the Texas Military Department to clear the island and address the Biden Border Crisis.
At least 1-in-5 jobs being created by "Bidenomics," it turns out, are actually Government Jobs – and a new Immigration Studies Report shows that the supposed "millions of jobs" Joe Biden brags about are mostly happening among illegal immigrants. Biden's open borders aren't just for "transforming America" – it’s also at the core of Bidenomics. "While there were still 183,000 fewer U.S.-born Americans working in the 4th Quarter of 2023 compared to 2019, the number of immigrants (legal & illegal) working is up 2.9 million.”
Former Clinton political adviser Paul Begala summed up the way Democrat leaders now feel about Joe Biden’s candidacy after last week: “I sleep like a baby – I wake up every two hours and wet the bed,” joked Begala to CNN. “This is beyond devastating,” said another Democrat operative, speaking anonymously in order to candidly talk about Biden’s visible mental shortcomings. “It confirms every doubt and concern voters have... how can he be president of the United States?”
Many of you may have noticed the media's obsession in suggesting that yesterday's Special Election for New York's 3rd Congressional District would serve as a "bellwether" for the upcoming Presidential Election. But looking at the District's recent elections, calling it a "bellwether" is a very hard sell from where I sit. The Democrat winner last night had previously represented the district for three terms, and was a pseudo-incumbent. In fact, he underperformed compared to his past elections.
Yes it's “The Economy Stupid,” as the iconic sign hanging inside Bill Clinton’s campaign headquarters famously said in 1992. But in 2024, voters are also concerned about things like a raging Border Crisis, an escalating war in the Middle East, and Joe Biden's ability to handle inflation. This is where Biden’s age & "mental faculties" come into play – and with an increasing frequency, each soundbite is being looked at under a microscope. He's providing voters with more reason be concerned.
The report concludes that President Biden "willingly" broke the law by removing Classified & Top Secret Documents, but says because “Biden would likely present himself to a jury – as he did during our interviews – as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” prosecutors would not be able to "establish Mr. Biden's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt." But its the Special Counsel’s assessment of Biden’s diminishing Mental Faculties that's triggered Democrat's Code-Red panic nationwide.
Overall, the Texas Oil & Natural Gas Industries rewrote the Record Books for Production, Exports, Crude Oil Supply, and Tax Revenues Generated in 2023. “This type of unmatched, repeat economic performance does not happen by accident,” said Texas Oil & Gas Association president, Todd Staples. “Success is the result of non-stop industry innovation, investment, and operational efficiencies." With Texas now producing more than 42% of the nation’s oil – and hitting records in 6-of-12 months during 2023 – the state saw its highest monthly production levels ever.
Democrats, the Media & Joe Biden are all apoplectic that former President Donald Trump may recapture the White House. But Mr. Biden’s age isn't the primary problem. Rather, its his "remaking America" with uncontrolled illegal immigration and his "our democracy" programs that are focused on – and most importantly are – hurting Independent & Swing Voters. Moderate Americans – and more Blacks & Hispanics than liberals admit – view "Establishment” Democrats & Republicans and the Legal System as unfair.
Despite all the debate and discourse about "renewable" energy taking over, Oil & Gas is here to stay – and Texas is poised to lead the U.S. into the energy future. As the top oil & gas producing state in the nation – producing 42% of our Crude Oil and 27%t of our Natural Gas – the importance of Texas’ Energy Sector to the rest of the U.S. can't be overstated. Texans know oil and gas are essential in more ways than one, and attracting large scaled investments from around the globe illustrate why the industry's not going anywhere.
The Cardle & Woolley Show on Austin’s Talk 1370AM will be coming to you live from San Antonio, Texas next Monday Morning – with Exclusive Interviews from the U.S. Senate's top Republican Leadership... including Texas' John Cornyn & Ted Cruz, Senatorial Committee Chairman Steve Daines, as well as N.C.'s Thom Tillis and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana. Get your inside information on the 2024 Election, and Don't Miss "The Cardle & Woolley Show" weekday mornings. See the links below for ticket information.
Texas Insider's Jim Cardle – cohost of "The Cardle & Woolley Show" on Austin’s Talk 1370AM – will be coming to you live from San Antonio, Texas this coming Monday Morning with Exclusive Interviews from some of the U.S. Senate's top Republican Leaders. And after the Morning Show, if you live near or in Houston, click on the invite below for Monday afternoon 's Ticket Information. "Cardle & Woolley" is available both Live & On-Demand via the free Audacy app, or on Major Podcast Platforms – Monday-Friday, 7:00 to 9:00am.
“This type of unmatched, repeat economic performance doesn't happen by accident. This success is the result of non-stop industry innovation, investment, and operational efficiencies – but it's not guaranteed,” said Texas Oil & Gas Association president, Todd Staples. "We cannot take for granted that this industry can continue to rewrite its record books in the face of federal policies that are blatantly designed to undermine progress," Staples said, releasing TXOGA’s annual "Energy & Economic Impact Report."
U.S. Customs & Border Protection reported apprehending another 19 Terrorism Suspects trying to enter the country during December who were on the "Terrorist Screening Database" – bringing the total to 49 for just the last three months. During Joe Biden’s three years in office, the number of migrants determined to be on the Terrorist Screening Database is 331. During President Trump’s four years in office, Border Patrol detected a total of 15 migrants on the Terrorist Database.