The Scoop


Man Arrested for 'Posing Significant Threat' at U.S. Capitol is Illegal Immigrant Freed by Biden Policies

First encountered on Aug. 21st, 2022 by Border Patrol Authorities near El Paso, Texas, Jose Leonardo Marquez was processed and released the next day by overwhelmed Border Officials. Citing "a lack of detention capacity” as the reason for his release, Marquez was arrested last week while on the U.S. Capitol's Grounds the day after Christmas – where his behavior drew officers’ attention. Police found Marquez at the Capitol with a machete, a knife, and brick.


Peter Meijer was 1-of-10 Republicans Who Voted to Impeach Trump: 'The Colorado Court’s Decision is Shameful.'

In a majority opinion sloppy in specifics and wrongheaded in the main, the Colorado Supreme Court has taken a Reconstruction-Era Prohibition on Confederate Rebels holding office and used it to deny Colorado Voters a choice of their preferred presidential candidate. As they themselves write: “We travel in uncharted territory.” One would think such an admission would preface an appeal to caution, but apparently we can no longer take for granted that the courts will always serve as a neutral arbiter.


Biden Negotiations with GOP on Restrictive Immigration Changes Angers Key Latino Voting Block, Progressive-Leftist Democrats

Exposing yet another growing rift within the Democrat Party that's already threatening to derail a floundering Biden 2024 Campaign, anger erupted in front of the U.S. Capitol earlier this week after a handful of major news outlets reported the Biden White House was negotiating with GOP leaders over new border control measures in a last-minute effort to pass his $106 billion Israel & Ukraine spending bill. For a president already facing declining support among Democrats, opening another internal party war with Hispanics could prove costly.


TURLEY: With Impeachment Vote Days Away, Biden & Democrats Face Maddening Moment of Truth

There's now been more than enough evidence uncovered by the House Investigating Committees to show that Joe Biden benefited both practically & legally from millions of dollars flowing to his family. Still, one of the false narratives being used by his Democrat & Media defenders is that "there's no proof" the raw influence peddling by Hunter (and others) directly benefited the president. That is utter nonsense. Courts have long & repeatedly found that benefits of any size, shape or form to family members does constitute bribery. The Justice Department's even said so in the past.


Americans Owe Record $1.08 Trillion in Credit Card Debt, as More Find Themselves in 'Persistent Debt'

“Credit card balances experienced a large jump in the 3rd Quarter,” said a Federal Reserve Bank analyst, as a newly released report showed American's Credit Card Debt Balances spiked by $154 billion during the past year – the largest increase since 1999. With Americans already burdened by continued cost increases & price hikes of "Bidenomics" – particularly for Food, Gas & Housing – ​​​​​​​more cardholders are now carrying debt forward from month to month... or are falling behind on payments.


Rep. Tony Gonzales, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick Team Up to Tackle Spiraling Border Crisis

Congressman Tony Gonzales and Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick hosted a Town Hall Event to update Texans on the crisis at the nation's Southern Border earlier this week, and both agreed the current situation is “the worst we’ve ever seen.” As U.S. Customs & Border Patrol reported a single day record of 12,000 encounters along the Southern Border on Tuesday, Lt. Gov Patrick praised Rep. Gonzales's efforts to move the border crisis to the top of the priority list for must do items in Congress.


With Growing Wave of Democrat Retirements, House GOP Could Grow Majority in 2024

To date, 31 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives have announced they'll not be seeking re-election in 2024 – 20 Democrats and 11 Republicans. "Swing-seat Democrats are racing for the exits – making their party’s climb out of the minority even steeper,” said the Republican National Congressional Committee's Jack Pandol. “In 2022, Democrats massively outspent the Republicans running against them – it was a big reason they held onto their seats,” said The Cook Political Report's David Wasserman.


Biden’s Support from Independent Voters Hits Record Low, as Democrat Support on Middle East is Divided

The newest Gallup Poll paints a bleak picture for Joe Biden – his support from Independents has plummeted 8% in just the past month as conflicts in the Middle East escalated. In September, Gallup said 41% of Americans identify as "Independent" – compared to 28% who identify as Republican, and 28% who identify as Democrat. By a few percentage-points, Democrats and those leaning Democrat typically outnumber Republicans and those leaning Republican – but that advantage has evaporated for Biden.


Democrats Continue Alienating Working-Class non-White Voters, Can Republicans Secure Their Trust?

An increasing chorus of Democrats fear that Joe Biden's current standing with the American Electorate has the potential to reshape the Democrat vs. Republican alignment for years to come. And a wide array of polls have recently shown that both Latino & Black "Working-Class Voters" are now shifting toward the Republican Party in rejection of Democrat's “woke” ideology on Crime, Immigration and LGBTQ rights. One year from Election Day, what exactly is driving their move to the GOP?


New Oil & Gas Technology Positions Texas as Leader in 'All of the Above' Energy Growth

As Gov. Greg Abbott's been noting the importance of West Texas' Permian Basin – and more generally, Texas as a whole – to the nation's economy, there's been a flurry of exciting developments for the state's economy, for Texas jobs, and the Oil & Gas Industry. One project is expected to employ over 1,000 people while under construction, before bringing additional high-paying jobs to help create more energy production because of new industry capabilities. 


TURLEY: Yes, Hamas is Legally, Morally, Even Factually a 'Terrorist' Organization

The Associated Press recently told its reporters not to call Hamas fighters “terrorists” – after they massacred civilians, raped women, and took a couple 100 hostages from Israel on Oct. 7th. Americans were, and still are among those hostages. According to the AP, these fighters are to be called “militants,” because “terrorist” has “become politicized.” But there's nothing “politicized” in recognizing that Hamas intentionally targeted civilians, and mowed down unarmed participants at a Peace Concert. They burned civilians alive in their homes.


Senators Release Behind-the-Scenes Border Trip Footage After FBI's 'Elevated Terror Threat' Message to Congress: Illegal Immigrants Caught with Explosive Devices

The Senators disclosed that U.S. Customs & Border Agents seized multiple illegal immigrants carrying improvised explosive devices, which Sen. John Barrasso said were the "size of cannonballs" and "tailor-made for terrorism." And Joe Biden's own Dept. of Homeland Security recently issued a "National Terrorism Advisory Bulletin" saying the United States is in a "heightened threat environment," as individuals with links to Foreign Terrorist Organizations may target schools, government facilities, or critical U.S. infrastructure.


Democrats Hate Israel, Because Israel Loves America

There is no gray area here. President LOLEightyOneMillion can pretend to be a staunch ally of Israel all he wants, but the line between right and wrong was drawn by Hamas on Oct. 7th. Joe and the Democrats can to try to straddle the line, but if the United States of America is seen as wavering in support of its strongest ally – once the worst of humanity thinks it has carte blanche because America is weak – this planet is toast.


TXOGA: 'Texans are Ensuring the Lone Star State's the Best Place to Live, Work, Play & Raise a Family'

“With an estimated 1,000 people a day moving to the Lone Star State, growing infrastructure is essential to the success of every Texan," said Todd Staples, President of the Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA) following Tuesday's passage of Statewide Ballot Propositions 6, 7 and 8 that were designed to expand water, electricity, and broadband infrastructure for Texas' growing population.


Biden White House in 'Full-Blown Crisis' after 'Alarming, Re-Election-Threatening' New York Times Poll

Polls released over the weekend by The New York Times and Siena College showed support for Joe Biden is eroding quickly, which has prompted panic in the White House with the 2024 Election now less than a year away. While winning by the narrowest of margins in Wisconsin, the poll shows Biden losing to former President Donald Trump in the crucial "swing states" of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania.


Patrick Recovering from Pneumonia at Home

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick was diagnosed with viral pneumonia last week, and is recovering and working from home. He canceled all his scheduled meetings for this week, including all official engagements. Members of the Texas Senate are fully prepared to address any issues Gov. Abbott may include in a 4th Special Session, and President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Sen. Charles Schwertner, will preside in Patrick's absence.


Gov. Abbott Meets with Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu, Pledges Full Support

"The strength and hope displayed as I met with Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Herzog, survivors of the October 7th attack and families of kidnapped Israelis was truly inspiring. ​​​​​​​Texas will continue to help support Israel safeguard their freedom against brutal terrorist organizations like Hamas," said Gov. Greg Abbott, after meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials in Jerusalem.


Sens. Cruz, Sullivan, Colleagues Fight Biden White House Efforts to Curtail Domestic Mining, and Jobs

Senator Ted Cruz & Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska,) along with several of their Republican colleagues sent a letter to the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council (FPISC) about its proposed changes to regulations to re-classify “mining” projects for coverage under the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. President Donald Trump had added mining industries to the list to boost the economy and bring supply chains home.


ERINAKES: There's Now Even More Shenanigans in Special Election Race for Texas House District 2

Well, the fight between the out-of-district "Monied Elites" and the voters of East Texas' House District 2 is heating up. I've learned that Sen. Ted Cruz has now been given some shocking information from some upset Texas Congressmen who are concerned he may have been misled in giving his endorsement. And then there's the question about a Ken Paxton staffer criticizing his fellow Republicans while on the state payroll.


As Middle East Violence Grows, Arrests from FBI's 'Terror Watch List' Hits 100-Year High for Illegal Border Crossings

“It only took 19 al Qaeda operatives to kill nearly 3,000 Americans on Sept. 11th. Many, many times that number of terrorists have surely crossed our Southern Border since Joe Biden took office," said Sen. Tom Cotton, after newly released figures showed a dramatic increase in the number of individuals on the FBI's "Terrorist Watch List" were being arrested as they tried to enter the country illegally.


