



Gov. Abbott Tours Hurricane Beryl Resource Staging Area In Houston

​​​​​​"Everyone should be prepared for severe weather events, including during hurricane season. That's why the lack of power provided by CenterPoint compromises our No. 1 Goal: protecting life," said Gov. Greg Abbott as he toured a resource staging area at NRG Park in Houston, thanking 1st Responders who've worked around the clock to help their fellow Texans throughout Hurricane Beryl. After the tour Abbott held a Press Briefing with State & Local Officials to provide an update on the state’s continued response and recovery efforts.


Sens. Cruz, Cornyn File Amendment Creating New Framework to Ensure Mexican Compliance with Water Treaty Obligations

“Texas farmers and cities are suffering because Mexico has consistently failed to uphold its end of the bargain and provide Texans with the water they count on in the framework of the 1944 Water Treaty. This amendment strengthens the Treaty by introducing measures the Secretary of State must and can take to ensure Mexico provides predictable and reliable deliveries," said Sen. Ted Cruz, as he and Sen. John Cornyn introduced their effort to create a new framework for the waters of the Colorado, Tijuana, and Rio Grande Rivers.


Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Sends Let­ter to U.S. Sen­ate Urg­ing Pas­sage of The SAVE Act, a Law Requir­ing Proof of Cit­i­zen­ship to Vote

AG Ken Paxton sent a letter to the U.S. Senate detailing the pressing need to support legislation passed by the United States House to safeguard American elections by requiring people to provide proof of citizenship before being allowed to vote in federal elections. Current federal law prohibits states from requiring proof of citizenship, even though federal law also prohibits non-citizens from voting in federal elections.


Trump Rewrites Republican Convention Speech to Focus on Unity, Not Biden

Trump said when he stood up and saw the crowd had not moved, he needed to tell them that he and the country were going to be OK: "The energy coming from the people there in that moment, they just stood there. It's hard to describe what that felt like, but I knew the world was looking. I knew that history would judge this, and I knew I had to let them know we are OK."


CONG. PFLUGER: Our Nation, Millimeters Away from a Presidential Assassination

The courage and determination of former President Trump during and after Saturday's events were heroic. I'm saddened to learn of the passing of Corey Comperatore, an innocent attendee who died shielding his wife and daughter from gunfire. He is a father, husband, and beloved retired Fire Chief in his community – and epitomizes the America we all long for. Within minutes of Saturday’s events, I mobilized the House Subcommittee on Intelligence & Counterterrorism to review U.S. Secret Service actions before, during & after the event.


Abbott Signs Agreement with Aichi Prefecture in Tokyo: 'To Dominate the Technologically Advanced Future'

"This agreement will encourage investment, trade, and collaboration in critical (economic) areas such as medicine, life sciences, biotechnology, energy, innovation, and so much more. As Texas and Japan drive the future of innovation, this trade agreement will provide our two peoples with the economic freedom and opportunity to thrive for generations to come. Texas and Japan are economic powerhouses set to dominate the technologically advanced future,” said Gov. Abbott.


Sen. Cruz Introduces Bill to Counter Biden's New Rule Blocking Oil & Gas Production

"This disastrous rule threatens American jobs and undermines the production of energy in the Permian Basin," said Sen. Ted Cruz, introducing legislation to reverse a "Final Rule" issued by the Biden White House's Fish & Wildlife Service listing the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard under the Endangered Species Act. "We will not allow the President to take control of private property, kill energy jobs in the Permian Basin, and increase energy costs for American consumers,” said Cong. August Pfluger.


Disaster Unemployment Assistance Now Available in 15 Texas Counties Impacted by Hurricane Beryl

The Texas Workforce Commission is now accepting applications for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) as a result of severe weather due to Hurricane Beryl. Workers and self-employed individuals in Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Orange, Polk, San Jacinto, Walker, and Wharton Counties who have been unable to work due to damage sustained from Hurricane Beryl may be eligible for DUA benefits.


SCHLICHTER: They Tried to Kill Trump – So Now What’ll They Do Next?

Democrats finally have reason to shake their collectivist little heads over political violence. And we know they're pounding their collective heads against the wall because they fear Donald Trump’s glorious defiance Saturday in the face of his attempted murder may just have won him a landslide election. Joe Biden​​ represents the failed present. The secret of Donald Trump is, he represents both our glorious past, and a future where things work for us Average Americans. Raise your fists patriots, America will be great again.


Senate Blocks Biden Judicial Nomination, as Ted Cruz Reveals Her Decision to House Biological Male Serial Rapist in Women’s Prison

President Biden had nominated Sarah Netburn to serve as U.S. Dist. Judge for the Southern District of New York. While serving as a Magistrate Judge, Netburn went against Federal Bureau of Prisons recommendations and housed a biological male serial rapist in a women’s prison in Texas – who has now reportedly committed another sexual offense against the women in the prison. "Congratulations, Judge Netburn, that’s what you’re doing to the women in this prison.”


SESSIONS: A Thank You Jack Kielty, and Tunnel to Towers Foundation

On Monday, I took to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives with a certificate signed by Gov. Greg Abbott to extend my thanks to Lt. Jack Kielty (Ret.) of FDNY. Back in March, Lt. Kielty came to Franklin, Texas to present a mortgage-free personalized smart home to Sgt. Maj. Sid Hamid, USA (Ret.), through the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. At the event, Lt. Kielty shared the story of the founding of Tunnel to Towers by the siblings of firefighter Stephen Siller – a hero who gave his life rescuing others on 9/11.


Cong. Gonzales, a Top 5 Lawmaker Who Delivers for Their District, Advances $118 Million for TX-23

“I’m proud to be able to serve on the House Appropriations Committee, which has one of the most important jobs in Congress – ensuring that your taxpayer dollars are used responsibly. Our taxpayer dollars do no good sitting in Washington for the federal government to burn, which is why I’ve remained focused on bringing funding home to South & West Texas for tangible projects that improve our communities,” said Cong. Tony Gonzales of the 15 Community Project Funding (CPF) programs he is working to push through Congress.


Gov. Abbott Provides Hurricane Beryl Response Efforts Update

“The State of Texas continues to deploy all resources and assistance needed to help Texans and communities impacted by Hurricane Beryl,” said Gov. Abbott, as Acting Governor Dan Patrick today requested that FEMA grant eligibility for Individual Assistance for qualifying Texans in the following counties: Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Orange, Polk, San Jacinto, Walker, and Wharton. Additional counties may be requested at a later date as damage assessments are completed.


HANSON: Reporters Who Swore Biden 'Sharper than Ever' Will Try to Convince America Kamala is 'Brilliant'

For years now, when Joe Biden's public comments or reclusiveness prompts too much gossip that he is near senile, he's wheeled out for a staged "interview" that must be edited before it is released – or he answers "questions" that have been secretly shown to him in advance. Any dissenters are publicly demonized as peddlers of "cheap fakes." Yet our nation's Pravda-loke journalists have sworn to the American people that, in private, the reclusive, three-day-a-week Biden outpaces the energy and drive of those half his age.


McCARTHY: Joe Biden’s Fitness is Not Just a Campaign Issue, It’s a National-Security Issue

Do I want Kamala Harris to be president of the United States? No, but we have to have a president. Our constitutional & national security systems require it. So to repeat my focus of a couple of weeks ago, I'm less concerned about Joe Biden’s increasingly obvious incapacity as it relates to the Presidential Election than I am about America’s current, urgent need for a president who can function as Commander In Chief. The world's become a very dangerous place under Joe Biden, so how long can the U.S. go on without a functioning president?


FDA's Failures on Illegal Flavored Vapes Highlighted at Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing

Flavored vapes – designed to attract young users with their candy-like appeal – have become a gateway to nicotine addiction for many of today's young Middle & High School Students. Often imported from China, the increasingly rampant sale of illegal vaping products now poses a significant public health risk that many experts say demands urgent attention. In light of the FDA’s troubling inaction to address what is rapidly becoming a crisis across the nation, a recent Senate Hearing cast a stark light on the issue.


After Brutal Murder of Houston 12-Year-Old by Illegal Aliens, Sen. Cruz & Cong. Nehls Seek 'Justice for Jocelyn'

“Enough is enough. The tragic death of Jocelyn Nungaray was entirely preventable. The two illegal aliens suspected of assaulting & murdering her were released by the Biden White House – despite ICE detention beds being available," said Sen. Cruz. The "Justice for Jocelyn Act" would crack down on Joe Biden's “Alternative to Detention” practice in the Dept. of Homeland Security by requiring every ICE detention bed to be filled – and if filled, would require the Secretary of DHS to exhaust all reasonable efforts to keep an alien in custody. 


A.G. Pax­ton Stops Biden’s Unlaw­ful Ban on Liqui­fied Nat­ur­al Gas Exports

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has secured a major victory, blocking the Biden White House’s unlawful and indefinite ban on approving applications to export liquified natural gas (“LNG”) while the lawsuit continues. Texas is the nation’s leading producer of both crude oil and natural gas, meaning the Biden Administration’s ban stood to harm the Texas economy severely – as well as those who rely on Texas energy.


