



Cong. Gonzales: Biden Admin ID'd 400+ ISIS-Affiliated Illegal Immigrants at Border, and Allowed Entry into U.S.

“Every light is blinking red. We cannot continue to put border security on the back burner – we know for a fact that dangerous Cartels & Gangs have used our broken borders as a means to enter the United States. Now, we have confirmation that terrorist-related networks are using similar tactics to smuggle people into our country,” said Cong. Tony Gonzales – who represents Texas' 23rd Congressional District spanning 823 miles along the South Texas-Mexico Border. "American lives are at stake!"


Gov. Abbott Announces Norman Roy Garza, Jr. as Exec. Director of Texas Space Commission

Governor Greg Abbott today announced that Norman Roy Garza, Jr. has been named as the Executive Director of the Texas Space Commission. The Texas Space Commission was created to further cement Texas’ position as a national leader in the space industry and secure its future in space exploration and development for the next generation of Texans. Norman Garza will help lead that mission as the Commission's first Executive Director.


Christian Calls on Biden to End LNG Ban to Save Europe

Following recent reports that the Biden Administration’s federal moratorium on new liquified natural gas (LNG) export plants is prohibiting Ukraine from purchasing American LNG, Railroad Commissioner Wayne Christian slammed the administration’s policy and called on the president to rescind the ban.


Fake Conservatives and Status Quo Parties Are Failing in Britain and Around the Globe

It’s conservative the way Bill Kristol and Jennifer Rubin are, which is not conservative at all, and its target voters are tired of it. The Tories had a huge victory just a few years ago, a shattering triumph that turned previously Labour seats into Conservative ones. And, of course, the wets – that’s Brit for “RINO” - squandered the chance to re-Thatcherize Old Blighty. Now, the Reform Party, Nigel Farage’s populist crew, stands a chance of winning seats and could conceivably become the opposition party.


DEBATE WATCH: Here's What Left-Wing Groups are Advising Biden to say During Thursday Night's Debate

One memo to "Interested Parties" on "How President Biden Can Win the Debate on Immigration" during Thursday's much-anticipated face-off advises Biden to, “embrace it, don’t run away from it.” Another missive to Team Biden, entitled "5 Recommendations for Creating 'Moments' in the First 2024 Presidential Debate," advises the embattled president to talk about his "economic positions & proposals as much as possible." Public opinion on those and other controversial issues remain dismal for Democrats.


ABBOTT: Texas Again Named 'Best Business Climate' in the Nation

"When Texas' businesses succeed, Texans succeed. That's why we're outpacing the nation in job growth – and expanding in both existing and emerging industries. Texas continues to lead the nation as the Best Business Climate,” said Governor Greg Abbott earlier today, celebrating Texas' being recognized as the "Best Business Climate" in the nation for the 2nd year in a row by Business Facilities Magazine in their 20th Annual Rankings Report. Texas offers unmatched business advantages.


Sen. Cruz, Senators Move on Trump's Idea – Introduce 'No Tax on Tips' Bill

"It’s wonderful to create an opportunity to help them keep more of their hard-earned tips to invest in their families and our local economy," said the Texas Restaurant Association's Emily Knight, as Sen. Ted Cruz introduced his "No Tax on Tips" bill to exempt tips from being subject to taxation under the Federal Income Tax. “The TRA's grateful to Sen. Cruz for working with us" on the bill that's also backed by the industry whose members are the second highest tipped, the Professional Beauty Association.


Texas Workforce Commission Launches 'Lone Star Workforce of the Future' Grant Program

According to the Texas Workforce Commission’s (TWC) Labor Market Information Department, the number of job listings in Texas for "Middle Skills Occupations" exceeded 1 million in 2023. And, by 2030 at least 6.7 million Texans — approximately 43.8% of Total Texas Employment — will be employed in such occupations. The "Lone Star Workforce of the Future" Fund will expand TWC’s resources for addressing employer demands in these skills and occupations. Learn more and download an application in the article below.


CONG. WEBER: Officer John Barnes Act Addresses Officers, Families in Receiving Benefits from PSOB Program

Public Safety Officers' Benefits Program (PSOB) provides crucial support – including death & education benefits to survivors of fallen law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other first responders, as well as disability benefits to officers catastrophically injured in the line of duty. However, despite applying for these benefits, Officer Barnes and his family experienced an excruciating wait for a determination from the Dept. of Justice since the 2018 shooting. This is unacceptable, and no officer should have to endure such bureaucratic hurdles.


DEBATE WATCH: A CNN Host Wrecks a Dem Senator's Pro-Biden Narrative – on Live TV

The CNN host pointed out the elephant in the room: Joe Biden and his polls numbers are in horrible shape these days – and Thursday Evening's Debate could be make-or-break territory for him. Biden is far behind Donald Trump on all the key issues – from "handling" the economy to "solving' Biden's illegal immigration disaster & crime, Trump is besting Joe Biden. And these aren’t conservative-leaning polls; some have Trump with 12- and 21-point "trust" advantages on "getting our economy rolling again."


CONG. McCAUL: Representing Texas on the World Stage & Condemning President Biden's Mass Amnesty Plan

"Last week, I led a bi-partisan Congressional Delegation to India – the world’s largest democracy and an important partner of the United States. On this trip, I was honored to meet with His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. Over 70 years ago, the Chinese Communist Party annexed their democratic territory, and slaughtered 10s of 1,000s of innocent Tibetans. To save his people, the Dalai Lama led his followers on a journey through the Himalayas," began Cong. McCaul.


Texas Has Now Seized Over Half a Billion Lethal Doses of Fentanyl

Since the launch of Operation Lone Star, Texas' multi-agency effort has led to over 514,500 illegal immigrant apprehensions and more than 44,300 criminal arrests – with more than 38,700 felony charges. In the fight against the fentanyl crisis, Texas Law Enforcement has now seized over 504 million lethal doses of fentanyl – enough to kill every man, woman and child in the United States and Mexico combined during this Border Mission.


Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick Announces Appointments to the Sunset Advisory

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick issued this statement today after making the following appointments to the Sunset Advisory Commission: Sen. Tan Parker, R-Flower Mound, as a presiding officer, Sen. Cesar Blanco, D-El Paso, Sen. Mayes Middleton, R-Galveston, Sen. Kevin Sparks, R-Midland, and Roger Elswick, of Houston. The Sunset Advisory Commission conducts regular reviews of state agencies that are scheduled to be abolished by the Texas Sunset Act.


Texas Achieves 10 Consecutive Months of Record High Jobs with 41,800 Added in May

For the 10th consecutive month, the state of Texas has set a record-high level for jobs, while the number of employed Texans and the state’s civilian labor force have each reached new highs for the last five months. Texas’ seasonally adjusted total nonfarm employment increased to 14,195,600 after 41,800 jobs were added over the month in May, reflecting monthly growth in 47 of the last 49 months and annual growth for 38 consecutive months.


HUNTER: Fauci’s Making a Play for History, for His 'Legacy'

Only a garbage person would sit silently while a panel of people smeared the President with lies, or as someone smeared the President with allegations they know to be untrue. But Anthony Fauci wants to sell his just released book – and more importantly, he wants every bit of blame to be directed at anyone who isn’t him. Tony Fauci’s true legacy is one of failure, lies, and self-aggrandizement. That his perverted version of events now sits in the pages of a book doesn’t make it any truer than it was when he was lying from the White House podium. That is ultimately what history will remember. 


Is Biden's New 'Spousal Amnesty Policy' Appealing to Voters?

“We can both secure the border – and provide legal pathways for families,” claimed Joe Biden recently, announcing his "Spousal Amnesty Policy" at an event that commemorated Barack Obama’s controversial DACA program – or "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" – in 2012 by Executive Action. “I refuse to believe that to protect our border we have to walk away from being an American,” Biden said. So how is Mr. Biden doing? And are his recent Immigration Orders resonating with American Voters?


Sen. Cruz Blasts Biden Executive Action to Give Amnesty to Illegal Aliens, "Utterly Abandoning the American People"

“Democrats are out of touch with the American people. They have given up trying to persuade American citizens that their ideas are rational and good for the country, and are instead importing illegal aliens. Make no mistake: Joe Biden views every illegal alien as a future Democrat voter. This amnesty program allows illegal aliens to get citizenship and vote in future elections – he views the American people’s suffering as an acceptable price to pay to gain future Democrat voters," said Sen. Cruz.


Gov. Abbott Slams Biden’s New 'Spousal Amnesty' as Creating Another Program without Congressional Approval

"President Biden needs to stop rewriting immigration law and start enforcing it. He's allowed over 11 million illegal immigrants into America – including dangerous criminals, gang members & terrorists – and our country can’t survive four more years of these dangerous open borders. This new mass amnesty proposal, like President Obama's DACA proposal, will be stricken down by the courts for a simple reason: It is Congress, not the President, that has authority to make or change our nation's Immigration Laws,” said Abbott.


