



SCHLICTER: Trump 2.0 Must Achieve Total Media Domination

The regime media’s spasms over the NYC Kangaroo Kourt Konviction – and the free media’s backlash against it – reaffirms the new information reality. Conservatives must understand this is not the same media environment most of us Republicans grew up in. There aren’t just three networks, AND there aren’t just a couple basic cable news channels. A powerful, pro-active conservative media strategy is a necessity. The regime media must be not just neutralized, but actively defeated. ​​​​This is them and us walking in – and only one of us walking out.


Trump Gets 6% Bump in Approval after Trial Decision, says Daily Mail Snap Poll

"Amongst those who are open to changing their mind, people feel more positive by a margin of 6%. That's outside the margin of the error, and we're saying that's significant," said J.L. Partners James Johnson, who conducted the poll and added, "In particular, it extends to Independent Voters. Look at the explanations and it's clear why: people feel it was a politically motivated trial, and they view Trump as a 'fighter' – against what they see as injustice." Could a conviction help Donald Trump win over the voters who matter?


Sen. Cruz Visits Austin Airport Following FAA Victory

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Ranking Member on the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, visited Austin-Bergstrom International Airport on Tuesday to discuss the impact of the wins he secured for Texas in the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024. On the ground in Texas, Sen. Cruz also highlighted his new legislation, the IVF Protection Act.


Governor Abbott Statement On TEA’s New Open Education Resource Instructional Materials

Beginning next year, school districts will receive additional state funding if they choose to buy SBOE-approved materials. If OER is approved by SBOE, and districts opt to use the OER materials, a second stream of additional funding will be made available to defray printing costs. The OER will be available online for free to everyone, allowing parents and families to access quality educational materials aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for their children. 


Voices of Veterans: Seaman 2nd Class Lorrie Henderson Shares Her Story of Service at End of World War II

Ms. Henderson grew up in a family with several members serving in the Navy, including her brother, who joined the Navy two weeks after Pearl Harbor was bombed. This, along with an inspiring poster of the WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service) launching a weather balloon, influenced Ms. Henderson to join the Navy in April of 1945.  She was one of the first women to hold a critical position and was stationed at Treasure Island Naval Base in northern California.


A.G. Pax­ton Secures 84-Month Prison Sen­tence for Clin­ic Own­er in $15 Mil­lion Medicare Fraud Scheme

Since 2021, the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit has recovered more than $612 million in settlements, judgments, and restitution for Texas taxpayers. The Medicaid Fraud Control Unit receives 75 percent of its funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under a grant award totaling $20,944,200 for fiscal year 2023. The remaining 25 percent, totaling $6,981,395, is funded by the State of Texas. For every dollar of state funding, the OAG’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit has recovered more than 49 dollars for taxpayers over the last 3 years.


Our Revolutionary Times

Masked left-wing protesters were unashamedly and virulently antisemitic. Students on elite campuses especially showed contempt for both middle-class police officers tasked with preventing their violence and vandalism as well as the maintenance workers who had to clean up their garbage. Mobs took over buildings, assaulted Jewish students, called for the destruction of Israel, and defaced American monuments and commentaries. When pressed by journalists to explain their protests, most students knew nothing of the politics or geography of Palestine, for which they were protesting.


Yes It Was Rigged – and Sadly, Is Everything We Were Warned About

By any normal standard, Alvin Bragg failed his duties as District Attorney by flagrantly distorting the process to manufacture 34 felony charges to file against Donald Trump. Yet by today's prevailing standards on the left, he's faithfully fulfilled his duty by rigging the Criminal Justice System against the man they so desperately hate & fear. Their recklessness now further undermines American's faith in the U.S., while their alluring idea of defeating Trump continues to prove illusory. It involves becoming the most powerful political leader in the Free World.


A Low Point in U.S. History? Trump Found Guilty on All Counts in Bookkeeping Trial

After the jury began deliberating Wednesday morning following Judge Juan Merchan's delivering instructions on how to deliberate the relevant legal definitions and considerations of the trial, former President Donald Trump sat sullenly – looking down at the table before him – as the verdict was read Thursday afternoon bringing an end to a weeks-long trial that dominated headlines and led to a historic conviction that will be wielded against the presumptive GOP nominee throughout the rest of his 2024 Campaign.


Sen. Cruz Highlights How FAA Reauthorization Will Benefit Austin-Bergstrom Airport

The bipartisan FAA Reauthorization Bill, which Sen. Cruz authored along with Commerce Committee Chairwoman Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) and was signed into law this month, contains numerous provisions that will improve safety and efficiency at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. The law requires the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to hire the maximum amount of Air Traffic Controllers, which will help address staffing shortfalls at the airport. Other provisions include...


MOORE: Kids Win!  In Texas Elections, Teacher's Unions Suffer Worst Ballot Box Blowout Ever!

This rout might be the most momentous victory for educational choice in American history. Gov. Greg Abbott – who calls universal education freedom his "legacy" – said Tuesday night he "now has enough votes to pass school choice.”  He'll still have to work with Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan, who has often cooperated with Democrats in slowing down school choice, but Phelan won his own run-off race by just 1% of the vote. And after the defeat of 15 of his anti-School Choice colleagues, he may realize school choice is an idea whose time has come.


Join Commissioner Buckingham June 1st at the 2024 Texas Coastal Roundup

 Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham reminds families and the public to participate in the 2024 Texas Coastal Roundup on June 1, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.. This free education and outreach event will allow Texans to learn more about how the GLO works with coastal organizations to safeguard and conserve the Texas coast. The Texas Coastal Roundup will occur at the Great Lawn at Waters Edge Park in Corpus Christi.


Comptroller Hegar Reminds Families: Save for Higher Education on 529 College Savings Day

“Putting money away for your children’s college funds while paying everyday expenses can be difficult, because there are so many competing needs. But my wife and I made a commitment to start each of our 3 children with a 529 College Savings Plan when they were born, and we had to start small,” said Glenn Hegar on "529 College Savings Day," sharing his views about the importance of families saving for their children’s higher education at any 2- or 4-year Texas public college or university. "The key is, we started,” said Hegar.


Racist Joe Biden and the Black Vote

Bigotry with a smile is still bigotry, and Biden has been marinating in it since the days when he used to let black kids pet his leg hair. From calling Barack Obama “clean and articulate,” to insisting it is impossible to go into a 7-11 in Delaware “without a slight Indian accent,” Joe has a long list of racist quotes, and that’s without even mentioning his opposition to school integration because he didn’t want his kids going to school in a racial jungle.  Still, Democrats insist Joe is Jerry Maguire – “I’m ‘Mr. Black People!’”


54% of Democrats Now say They 'Approve' of Dumping Biden from Ticket

The latest devastating poll results for National Democrats and Joe Biden were delivered by Rasmussen Reports on Tuesday. More Democrats than Republicans now say they want President Joe Biden kicked off the ticket – with 54% of Democrat "Likely Voters" saying they would "approve" of Mr. Biden being replaced. Just 37% of Democrats said they would "disapprove" of replacing him. It's an unparalleled and shocking dismissal of the Democrat Party chief – and the lack of a viable 2nd choice may also be playing a key role in depressing Democrats.


American Consumers are Believing Their Own Eyes – Instead of Joe Biden's Inflation Gimmicks

When it comes to measuring the country's national rate of inflation, the latest government gimmick will infuriate you – particularly when it comes to measuring the cost of your morning cup of coffee. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) uses a "basket of goods" to calculate the inflation rate – which is supposed to represent what regular Americans buy. The problem is, they keep taking things out of the basket. In fact, the April 2024 CPI inflation report last week was the first to NOT include coffee price inflation.


CONG. McCAUL: Holding Biden & Sect. Blinken Accountable - History Shows Weakness Invites Aggression

Weakness invites aggression – and we had better believe that our adversaries see it. It all began with the catastrophic fall of Afghanistan – when Joe Biden's White House failed to establish any form of deterrence to counter the threat of the CCP, the Chinese Communist Party. And as a result today, the United States is on the brink of total destabilization in the Middle East, Israel is fighting for its very existence from the terrorist threat of Hamas, Hezbollah & Iran, and its time we return to the Reagan Doctrine of "Peace Through Strength."


Gov. Abbott Remembers Fallen Heroes during Central Texas Veterans Cemetery Memorial Day Ceremony

"Our country remains the greatest Force for Freedom the world has ever known, and that freedom has been preserved, protected & defended by the mightiest military in the history of the world," said Gov. Abbott, delivering the keynote address and reminding Texans to honor and remember those who've served in the U.S. Armed Forces to safeguard American Liberties – not just on Memorial Day, but every day. The Governor also called for a renewed dedication to caring for military families and increasing veteran career resources in Texas.


