



Land Comm. Buckingham Announces "I Saved Texas History" 2024 Fundraising Campaign

Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham today announced the “I Saved Texas History” fundraising campaign, which is conducted at the Texas General Land Office by the Save Texas History Program. Created in 2004, “I Saved Texas History” is a statewide initiative to rally public support – and private funding – for preserving and promoting the historic maps and documents housed in the GLO Archives. Everyone donating $30 or more receives a limited-edition T-shirt featuring custom Texas-themed artwork.


Four Local Charter School Seniors Awarded College Scholarships from Dove Spring Proud

Harmony Public Charter Schools of Central Texas announced that four seniors from Harmony School of Excellence-Austin were recipients of a $500 scholarship from Dove Spring Proud. Students were recognized at a special ceremony held at the Texas State Capitol on May 10, 2024 – and to be considered for the scholarship, students must live or go to school in the 78744 ZIP code and be college-bound with an acceptance in hand. In addition. The students had the opportunity to meet with Texas State Senator Judith Zaffirini.


HEGAR: Sales Tax Holidays for Water-Efficient & ENERGY STAR® Products Set for May 25-27

“If you've lived through a Texas summer, you know triple-digit temperatures, outdated water systems, and inefficient appliances put a strain on our water supplies and power grids. By taking advantage of the Sales Tax Holidays, Texans can help alleviate those pressures and lower their utility bills — while saving money on State & Local Sales Taxes,” said Comptroller Glenn Hegar, reminding families & businesses to save during the Saturday, May 25 - Monday, May 27 Sales Tax Holidays.


ELDER: Another Big Lie – Liberals Are More 'Caring' Than Conservatives

People often ask, "How do you handle mean, vicious people when out in public?" The truth is I rarely encounter nastiness – it does happen, but thankfully, it is pretty rare. In general, when people don't like me, they possess the maturity to restrain themselves from verbal road rage. I conduct myself the same way. At a restaurant, I said hello to a host of a left-wing cable show, and he politely returned the gesture. After all, I dislike Hamas, the Taliban and drivers who fail to use their turn signals much more.


CONG. FALLON: Is Joe Biden Abandoning Israel? Will Iran & China Take Notice?

The world witnessed a coordinated effort between Joe Biden’s State Dept. & the Dept. of Defense last week to withhold key munitions from our ally Israel. Biden’s White House made the decision unilaterally, and without any notification to other stakeholders – specifically the American people and their elected representatives in Congress.  They did this to “send a political message” to Prime Minister Netanyahu, Mr. Biden is once again ruling by decree, and it isn’t just bad policy – it's a pattern.


Governor Abbott Hosts Swedish Minister Of Foreign Affairs Billström At Governor’s Mansion

Governor Greg Abbott today held a meeting at the Governor’s Mansion in Austin with the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Tobias Billström and a delegation of other Swedish leaders to discuss bolstering the international economic partnership between Texas and Sweden. This is the Minister’s first official visit to Texas and his first meeting with Governor Abbott. During the meeting, Governor Abbott and Minister Billström discussed the shared economic interests between Texas and Sweden, including advancing in the aerospace, energy, and advanced manufacturing industries.


ICYMI: Sen. Cruz Earns High Praise from Colleagues, Critics & Analysts for Crucial FAA Reauthorization Effort

Senator Ted Cruz has been given high marks by his Senate colleagues, critics, and political analysts in several media outlets for his recent role in leading the passage of the bipartisan FAA-Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Bill that delivers some substantial victories for the people of Texas – including an expansion of flight service from San Antonio to Washington, D.C. “The Texas Republican held together the bipartisan coalition necessary to usher through a must-pass measure, which has broad impact for travelers and the aviation industry,” said Bloomberg News Service.


Texas Set to Challenge a Second Detrimental EPA Rule in 2024

RRC voted today to refer a new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) greenhouse gas emissions rule to the Office of the Attorney General to file a lawsuit to challenge the rule in federal court. The EPA rule adds regulations to existing and future electricity power plants fueled by coal and natural gas to decrease carbon dioxide emissions. However, the rule imposes strict but untested standards in what will likely result in unreasonable infrastructure costs, which could force coal plants to shut down and reduce the ability of natural gas-fired power plant to operate at full capacity.


McCAUGHEY: Harvard, Yale, UPenn, Stanford & Cornell Searching for New Presidents – and No Mission Confusion's Required

Columbia University President Minouche Shafik is urging university leaders across the country to do some "serious soul searching." Good advice. She should start with her own soul. Shafik has the wrong idea about the purpose of a university. She and likeminded college presidents are turning preeminent universities into factories, churning out social activists who are adept at shouting down their opponents, squaring off against cops and vandalizing buildings – but who acquire little knowledge and few reasoning skills during college.


Governor Abbott Calls Out Texas House Democrats For Voting Against Education Package

Governor Greg Abbott today called out 39 Texas House Democrats for voting against Representative Brad Buckley’s comprehensive education package that would have provided $6 billion for additional public school funding, teacher pay raises, and school safety measures. The bill also included a provision that expands school choice for every Texas family.


Sen. Cruz Applauds Senate Passage of the Bipartisan FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024

"Today the Senate overwhelmingly passed a major FAA Reauthorization that will modernize and transform our country’s aviation system. It was a privilege to lead this significant piece of bipartisan legislation. It included hundreds of key priorities from across the political spectrum and touching every state in the nation. It ultimately gives the FAA the stability it needs to fulfill its primary mission—advancing aviation safety—while also making travel more convenient and accessible."


Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Files for Stay and Injunc­tion to Stop Biden Administration’s Assault on Women’s Rights and Title IX

 The new rule from the U.S. Department of Education requires schools to allow men in female bathrooms and locker rooms, allows men on women’s sports teams, and requires schools to punish instances of referring to people by biologically accurate pronouns. Due to the clear illegality of the Biden Administration’s attempt to undermine protections for women, Attorney General Paxton is requesting a stay of the agency action and a preliminary injunction to prevent the new rule from taking effect while the lawsuit proceeds. 


Biden 2.0 -- Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Could a second Biden term be more injurious to the economy than his first term? It seems unimaginable given the first three years gave us 20% inflation, a $2,000 loss in average real incomes for the middle class, 6 million added illegal immigrants, a war on American energy that has caused gas prices to rise by more than 40% to $3.64 a gallon, the collapse of our many major cities, another $6 trillion added to the national debt, the unaffordability of new homes, and the chaos on college campuses.


CONG. McCAUL: The Nation is at Its Greatest Risk of Terrorist Attack on U.S. Soil Since September 11th, 2001

Since the start of the Federal Government's Fiscal Year 2024 on October 1st, our Border Patrol Agents have encountered some 18,500 illegal immigrants with Criminal Histories – including 248 known Gang Members. They've also apprehended 76 known or suspected terrorists at our Southern Border. FBI Director Christopher Wray recently warned that the United States is at its greatest risk of a terrorist attack on U.S. soil since September 11, 2001 – adding that he sees "blinking lights everywhere." 


Gov. Abbott Condemns President Biden’s Feckless 'New' Border Proposals

"President Biden is not just authorized – he is required to deny illegal entry, detain illegal immigrants, and build border barriers," said Gov. Greg Abbott, following President Biden's announcement that his Dept. of Homeland Security will try to address the historic levels of illegal immigrants entering our country via a set of new proposals. "To be clear, President Biden’s feckless proposals – which he could have done years ago – do nothing to slow the record-breaking illegal immigration," said Gov. Abbott.


CONG. WEBER: With Elections Approaching, We Must Pass the SAVE Act to 'Safeguard American Voter Eligibility'

Since taking office, Joe Biden’s released millions of illegal aliens into the country, not to mention the “gotaways.” In many states, these illegal aliens are eligible for driver’s licenses & other benefits – which provides ample opportunities to illegally Register to Vote in Federal Elections. In some jurisdictions, non-citizens are already even able to vote in Local Elections. While only U.S. citizens can legally vote in Federal Elections, Federal law has often preempted and undermined state laws requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote in Local Elections.


RR Comm. Wayne Christian Cheers Lawsuit Over Biden’s Latest Unreliable Power Plan

“President Biden is hell-bent on making American’s energy more expensive – and less reliable – just to virtue signal to his radical environmentalist friends and his globalist allies,” said Texas Railroad Commissioner Wayne Christian, following reports that 27 states’ Attorney Generals had filed a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over Mr. Biden's newest rules for fossil fuel-based power plants. "I applaud General Paxton and the other states on this legal challenge," said Christian.


How to Neutralize the Campus Communists

You may have noticed the campus communist uprisings are fading into the background, at least for the moment. It was pretty clear that the entitled – and universally ugly – spoiled mutants (and their professional cadre organizers) were starting to get on the collective nerves of normal Americans, plus the Biden clique was already committing to betraying Israel in favor of the terrorists. The regime media has dialed it down as they served their purpose.


