



Sen. Cruz Statement on Foreign Aid Package Vote

The decisive reason I could not support this bill is because it did nothing to secure the Texas-Mexico border. As I’ve said many times, we are facing an existential crisis—a full-on invasion—at our own southern border. Democrats desperately wanted to pass this Ukraine aid bill—so much so that the world watched the ridiculous spectacle of Democrats gleefully waiving Ukrainian flags on the floor of the United States House of Representatives; it’s difficult to imagine those same Democrats ever waiving an American flag with the same joy.


Gov. Abbott Announces Over $179,000 Job Training Grant to Texas State Technical College

SDF is the state's workforce training grant program to help businesses upskill their new or incumbent workforce. In partnership with the public community and technical colleges, workforce development boards, and Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service, TWC collaborates to provide customized, innovative training to Texas businesses of all sizes.


Rep. Tony Gonzales Visits Site of Upcoming El Paso VA Healthcare Facility

Congressman Tony Gonzales toured the site of a new and upcoming VA healthcare facility in El Paso. Congressman Gonzales helped secure $700 million for the construction of this project through his position on the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs. The new facility will be located on Fort Bliss near the William Beaumont Army Medical Center and will improve access to care for more than 54,000 veterans in the El Paso area.


A.G. Pax­ton Suc­cess­ful­ly Defends Texas' Mail-In Ballot Safeguards - and Wins

“Many states irresponsibly & unconstitutionally changed their voting policies prior to the 2020 Election - but fortunately we did things differently and fought to uphold Texas law,” said Attorney General Ken Paxton after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a case brought by a political activist group and backed by Texas Democrats to overturn & weaken Texas' voter integrity laws for mail-in voting. The existing safeguards will remain in place.


Universities of America You Are Directly Responsible for the Rise of Jew Hatred On Your Campuses

Ben Shapiro confirmed these sentiments, writing, “Open anti-Semitism has been on the rise for legitimately decades on campus. It was rife on campus when I was there 20 years ago. It’s particularly rife from the radical Muslim community, and it’s been fostered by a Left-wing college administration across campuses for two generations that believes in the intersectional hierarchy of victimhood, in which Muslims outrank Jews.”


Up 900%: 48,000 Chinese Nationals Projected Arrested at Southern Border in 2024 if Current Rate Continues

In the first half of fiscal 2024 – from October 2023 to March 2024 – Border Patrol Agents on the U.S.-Mexico Border caught 24,214 Chinese illegal immigrants who had come into the country by walking through unfenced areas. An already frightening, and growing surge of illegal Chinese immigrants have replaced individuals from Hispanic countries as the largest group crossing into the United States – and its triggering another National Security concern in the Nation's Capitol.


SEALKIDS Celebrates 'Month of the Military Child' – to Support Its Most Vulnerable

“No SEAL should ever have to choose between the needs of their children and the needs of their country – and no matter where we are in the world, family is always at the forefront of our minds," said Master Chief Navy SEAL (Ret.) Jon Echols, marking April's "Month of the Military Child" designation while the SEALKIDS Organization joined communities across the nation to support the most vulnerable of the Military Community – its children.


Breaking: Embattled, Union-Backing State Rep. VanDeaver Hit with New Ethics Complaints

After reports surfaced last week that State Representative Gary VanDeaver received thousands of dollars in donations from pro-Taxpayer Funded Lobbying Supporters in Austin – while voting against legislation to ban lobbying by taxpayer-funded government entities such as Cities or Counties – Mr. VanDeaver (HD-1) has now been hit with two new ethics complaints while in the middle of a hotly-contested Primary Run-Off Election in Northeast Texas.


GINGRICH: Biden's Democrat Doctrine is 'Less Like a Dove or a Hawk, and More Like an Ostrich'

After Joe Biden ignored the Chinese Communist spy balloon – and allowed it to cross the U.S. collecting sensitive national intelligence – he's now recently said Israel should ignore 335 Drones & Missiles fired at their country by Iran. Watching his bizarre performance, it hit me – the "Biden Doctrine" is to cripple your allies, and help your enemies. He warned Iran not to attack Israel with the single word “Don’t,” yet Iran did. He set himself and our nation up to look foolish and weak.


Texas House Candidate Trey Wharton Earns Local, Statewide Backing in District 12 Run-Off

"It's been humbling to receive the support I did from voters in the March primary,” said candidate Trey Wharton, adding, "House District 12 represents the birthplace of Texas, it consists of hardworking men & women who want their conservative values protected, and now we must make sure we get all our voters out plus those who supported John Harvey Slocum – who came in third but has since endorsed my candidacy,” said Wharton, announcing a new list of endorsements supporting his effort.


CONG. McCAUL: Historic Investment Will Bring 1,000s of High-Paying Jobs & Bolster Texas' Economy

Semiconductor chips are the backbone of U.S. National Security – the brains behind everything from toasters to our nation's most advanced weapons systems. I authored & introduced the "CHIPS for America Act" at the request of President Trump's national security team to onshore U.S. production of this critical asset – and since its passage, we've embarked on the greatest Tech Revolution since the Manhattan Project. I couldn’t be prouder to see Samsung leading the way right here in Central Texas.


Gov. Abbott Announces $34 Million Behavioral Health Campus Project in Uvalde

“Last year, I signed a law to provide funding for the construction of a new, modernized Behavioral Health Campus to support the entire Uvalde community and its neighboring counties. This new facility will provide Texans experiencing a mental health crisis with access to mental health professionals and around-the-clock treatment to address their needs," said Gov. Greg Abbott today, announcing a $34 million project that will serve 32 counties in the surrounding area.


Senators Cruz, Hirono Laud Senate Passage of Bipartisan Bill to Maintain Access to Federal Courts

U.S. Senators Ted Cruz, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee & Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on the Constitution, and Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) celebrated the Senate passage of their bipartisan and bicameral "Federal Judiciary Stabilization Act" by unanimous consent. Their bill would transition 10 temporary federal judgeships to permanent status in order to maintain the current level of access to the federal court for millions of Americans across the nation.


Texas Commissioner Buckingham Continues Series on General Land Office’s Voices of Veterans Oral History Program

Texas Land Commissioner and Veterans Land Board (VLB) Chairwoman Dawn Buckingham, M.D. introduced the next series installment highlighting the VLB's Voices of Veterans oral history program. In this episode, we hear the story of Texas Veteran Victor Egger. For about 18 years, he volunteered at a Naval Air Station and Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, showing his love for helping service members.


MOORE: Small-Business Confidence Hits 12 Year Low - Here's Why; Bidenomics

If the economy is so good, why do small business leaders feel so bad? The latest Small Business Optimism Index from the National Federation of Independent Business could hardly be more depressing. It finds that the men and women who run our 33 million Small Businesses and hire more than half of American workers are in a somber mood. The survey finds that small-business confidence has reached its lowest point in 12 years.


With 36th Consecutive Month of Positive Growth, Texas Leads Nation in Job Creation

“This continued momentum is a testament to the strength of our young, skilled, diverse and growing workforce, our welcoming business climate, and the strategic investments that we continue to make as a state," said Gov. Greg Abbott, celebrating Texas again leading the nation in annual job creation following the release of March's employment numbers. With 270,700 jobs added from March 2023 to March 2024, Texas has added over 2.3 million jobs during Abbott’s time in office.


GONZALES: On Border Security & Foreign Aid Vote, 'We Don't Let Our Allies Bleed Out on the Battlefield'

"I strongly supported the End the Border Catastrophe Act because it would have closed asylum loopholes, reinforced Border Security Infrastructure, and delivered more resources to enforce against illegal immigration. As usual though, partisan politics got in the way, keeping many of my colleagues from voting yes to put America first and secure our border," said Cong. Gonzales after voting in favor of the End Border Catastrophe Act and foreign aid legislation to support America’s allies.


Babin Votes to Secure U.S. Borders and Support Israel, Tawain

These bills included the End the Border Catastrophe Act of 2024 (H.R. 3602), 21st Century Peace through Strength Act of 2024 (H.R. 8038), Indo-Pacific Security Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2024 (H.R. 8036), Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2024 (H.R. 8034), and Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2024 (H.R. 8035).


