



TWC Kicks Off Statewide Hiring Event for Veterans & Their Families

Today begins the Texas Workforce Commission’s 12th annual "Hiring Red, White & You!" statewide hiring event, which provides veterans, transitioning military members and military spouses opportunities to connect with employers from across Texas.  Since 2012 the free hiring event has served more than 20,000 employers, and connected more than 114,000 job seekers to meaningful job opportunities.


STARNES: Oh Boy – Woke Tennessee School District Wants to Rename 'Good Friday'

There’s a big culture war battle being waged in my town – Germantown, Tennessee. The school board is considering a change to the calendar that would rename Good Friday and Easter Monday. "You can’t just make up new names for people’s religious holidays. Who do they think they are?" asked one Radio-KWAM listener in Memphis. Will San Francisco values encroach on the Bible Belt?


Having Reached Agreement to Expand School Choice in Texas, Gov. Abbott Expands 3rd Special Session's Agenda

“Working with Speaker Phelan and his House leadership team, the Speaker and I reached an agreement on school choice for Texas families – and I'm now expanding the agenda for Special Session #3,” said Gov. Greg Abbott earlier today, issuing a proclamation to add the items of school finance, teacher pay raises, school safety, and special education to the Special Session's agenda.


ERINAKES: Here's the Shenanigans Going On In the Special Election Race for Texas House District 2

“I trust people much more than the ruling class,“ Congressman and former Texas Legislator Pat Fallon once told me. But if you're trying to decide who to vote for, how do you vet candidates in terms of background and suitability for office? It’s hard to do – and today's voters often find ourselves listening to the messaging that's purchased by out of area elite donors. Such is the case in the Special Election race for House District 2 in East Texas.


Lt. Gov. Patrick Buys Another $3 Million in Israeli Bonds

“As a young student studying history, I never understood how the world could remain silent during the rounding up of Jews in Europe. We all know what happened next. Because I believe it was the right thing to do, I announced last week that my campaign would purchase $3 million in Israeli Bonds to help our friends and show my strong of support of Israel. The positive response was overwhelming," said Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick.


Sen. Cruz Pushes “Hamas Sanctions Act” to Deny Hamas Funds & Safe Havens

"The Biden White House has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the Gaza Strip – despite knowing this would benefit Hamas terrorists – and allowed roughly $100 billion to flow to the Iranian regime. They knew the Ayatollah would pass this along to Hamas," said Sen. Ted Cruz earlier today, introducing the "Hamas Sanctions Act" as the first piece of legislation needed to comprehensively target the internationally recognized terrorist group.


Go Big in Texas: TWC Commissioner Demerson Assumes New Role for Lone Star State

"It's been an incredible privilege to work with employers, local communities, and partners across Texas to develop workforce solutions that ensure the state's economy stays on top," said the Commissioner responsible for representing Texas employers at the Texas Workforce Commission, Aaron Demerson, as he was recently  appointed to serve as the new President & CEO of Texas Economic Development Corporation. 


PARKER: Truth & the Courage to Stand by It Works – Our Nation Badly Needs Some

So, our nation has a major wake-up call in front of us. And for those who think restoring awareness about Good & Evil is not a viable political platform, we have history to prove otherwise. "We must never forget – no government schemes are going to perfect man. There is Sin & Evil in the world, and we're enjoined to oppose it with all our might." President Ronald Reagan spoke these words in March 1983 during a speech in which he called the Soviet Union an "Evil Empire."


A.G. Pax­ton Wins Cru­cial Emer­gency Order Against Biden’s Con­tin­ued Destruc­tion of Texas’ Bor­der Barrier

“The federal government’s outrageous escalation in response to our lawsuit demonstrates Biden’s disturbing contempt for the State of Texas, for the citizens of the United States, and for our country’s entire foundation of the rule of law," said Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, securing an emergency restraining order after Federal Agents were documented destroying barrier fencing and waving aliens through to facilitate the surge on the Texas-Mexico Border.


Texas House Champions Strongest Border Security Policies in the Nation

As a result of a marathon floor session last Wednesday, the Texas House approved three monumental border security bills – and legislation banning COVID-19 vaccine requirements by private employers. They also designated drug cartels as terrorist organizations and increased penalties on fentanyl smuggling coming across the border.  Here's what's next for those bills


CONG. PFLUGER: There's Risks Iranian Terrorists Could Take Advantage of Biden's Glaring Border Vulnerabilities

During his first speech as Speaker of the House, Cong. Mike Johnson laid out seven "Core Principles" to guide the House of Representatives and set a clear agenda for helping the American people. Also, as I reflect on the tragedy unfolding in Israel, its clear our own Southern Border is far from secure and poses real threats and significant danger to the United States. House Republicans will act on this problem as well.


Sen. Cruz on Israel's Ground Offensive: To Eradicate Hamas, U.S. Must Support Israel ‘For as Long as It Takes’

For decades, our Israeli allies have sought to counter Hamas's terrorism while the international community — including, and far too often, the United States — urged engagement and appeasement. Those approaches inevitably strengthened and emboldened Hamas, forcing Israel to deploy military force, which quickly and inevitably led to international pressure on Israel to accept inconclusive outcomes.


AMIRIZADEH: Iranians Know Israel's Not the Enemy – and that the Land Belongs to the Jews

More than ever before I see an entire generation of Iranians who want their freedom from the Islamic regime. They mock the regime and Islam, they know Israel is not the enemy, and that the land belongs to the Jews. They are standing with Israel – but the world must step up, because the Islamic regime is the head of the snake that must be cut off in order to save the world from more slaughter like October 7th.


House Republicans Continue Working On Behalf of America

I was honored to have my resolution supporting Israel and condemning Hamas and its sponsors for their atrocities be the very first piece of legislation brought to the House floor under Speaker Johnson. This resolution condemns in the strongest possible terms the atrocities of Hamas and reiterates Israel’s right to defend itself. It also condemns Iran for its support for Hamas and terrorist proxies.


Gov. Abbott Urges Texans to Tackle School Choice at 'Parents Matter Tailgate' in San Antonio

Before performing the coin toss at the Harmony School of Innovation – Sugar Land vs Cornerstone Christian Academy football game, Gov. Greg Abbott called on Texans to get in the game and contact their legislators to pass school choice.


MOORE: Wyoming Running Out of Energy?

Wyoming has traditionally had the lowest energy costs of any state in America. It used to get more than 95% of its energy from Coal & Gas, but now that’s down to 70% thanks to mandates that the utilities purchase more of their power from windmills. Because wind power is so inefficient and costly, costs there are rising dramatically.


Speaker Mike Johnson is The Right Leader

Representative Mike Johnson (R-LA-04), for Speaker of the House. Speaker Johnson is a strong conservative who believes in the Constitution. I look forward to working closely with him to secure the border, stand by Israel, hold the Biden administration accountable, and get America's fiscal house in order. There's a lot of work to be done, but I'm confident Speaker Johnson is the right leader at the right time.


HANSON: 6 Ways to Remedy Today's Salad Bowl of Un-Assimilating Tribal Migrants

The U.S. is now seeing a rise in violent racially and religiously motivated hate crimes. The border is nonexistent. Millions of unlawful immigrants mock their hosts by their brazen illegal entrance. But, unless unchecked, they are learning that unassimilated tribalism wins them influence and advantage.


