



251,487 Illegal Immigrants Stopped in December, the Highest Number Recorded During Biden's Presidency

Customs & Border Protection officials announced late Friday that they had stopped 251,487 illegal immigrants along the Mexican Border in December – the highest number of illegal border crossers recorded during any month of Joe Biden's presidency. That's up from 234,896 in November, and represents whopping a 40% increase from the 179,253 apprehensions of year ago in December 2021.


Lt. Gov. Patrick Announces 2023 Texas Senate Committee Appointments

"This is the strongest, best equipped group of senators in Texas history. They are proven leaders with the expertise and experience needed to keep Texas moving in the right direction. That includes the most outstanding freshman class we have ever had," said Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, following today's announcement of his Texas Senate Committee appointments for the already-underway 2023 Legislative Session.


Cong. McCaul: Big Plans for the New Congress

"In one of my first acts as chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I sent a letter to (Joe Biden's) Secretary of State Antony Blinken, demanding more information on President Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan — an unmitigated disaster of epic proportions. American citizens and our Afghan allies deserve answers, and I'm going to ensure they get them," said McCaul.


After Vote Recommending Creation of Performance Credit Mechanism, TXOGA Speaks Out

"We acknowledge the Commissioners’ comments to maintain competition and innovation in the solutions, but concerns remain regarding shifting risk away from generators and toward consumers as the Performance Credit Mechanism (PCM) model is crafted and continues to evolve," said Todd Staples, President of the TXOGA Texas Oil & Gas Association,


GONZALES: Turns Out Trump Was Right on Border Security

Nearly 100 terrorism suspects were stopped by U.S. Customs & Border Protection in 2022. Each day across our entire southern border, 1,000s of migrants willfully break our laws, with no end in sight – 100s of 1,000s more have slipped into our country undetected. Cartels are richer and more emboldened than ever, and Americans have never been more vulnerable to fentanyl and criminals flowing into our country.


Texas Hits New Historic High, as Total Jobs Increase for 14th Month In a Row

“We live in a state of infinite possibilities, and in the Legislative Session ahead we will continue working together to keep Texas the land of opportunity," said Gov. Greg Abbott, as the Texas Workforce Commission announced figures for December again surpassed the all-time record for total jobs for the 14th consecutive month. Employers added 29,500 nonfarm jobs in December, and total jobs in Texas hit a record 13,705,500 at year end.


Texas Adds 29,500 Jobs in December, Hitting Record Highs as Unemployment Rate Drops

In December 2022, Texas added 29,500 positions, reaching a total of 13,705,500 nonfarm jobs in Texas and marking a 14th consecutive record employment high in Texas. "Texas remains the best place to do business thanks to the success and resilience of Texas' employers. From lowering taxes to supporting programs that meet the needs of businesses, TWC is here to help," said Texas Workforce Commissioner Aaron Demerson.


Oil & Gas Jobs in Texas Continue Growth in December to Close Out 2022

Data released by the Texas Workforce Commission indicates that upstream oil and gas employment in Texas continues to grow, with the sector adding 1,300 jobs in December. In 2022, upstream oil and gas saw significant increases in hiring with the job count growing by 36,100 jobs for the year.


Harrison Files Texas Bill to Require Immediate Title 42 Expulsions at Border

“As HHS Chief of Staff in 2020, I helped coordinate Title 42 to protect Americans at the border. If Biden's going to force America to exist under a COVID Public Health Emergency that he can no longer justify – along with vaccine mandates – and at the same time open the entire southern border to human traffickers, cartels, and millions of unscreened illegal aliens, then Texas should use every tool available to fight back," said State Rep. Brian Harrison.


BARONE: It's Time for Truth & Reconciliation on the Russia Collusion Hoax

The New York Times and other major publications and networks have been unwilling to admit that they published "mis-information" and fostered false narratives with baseless charges that Russian bots had somehow swung the 2016 election to Donald Trump. In his review of "The Twitter Files," reporter Matt Taibbi (whose roots are on the political Left,) admitted the charges were baseless, as have left-leaning Twitter executives – in private.


Cong. Roger Williams: The U.S. Is In an Urgent Debt Limit Crisis   

With President Biden in office and Democrats in control of Congress, federal spending increased an astounding $10 trillion – resulting in disasters like rampant inflation and increased cost of goods or services, to a decrease in real wages and interest rate hikes that're projected to increase through the rest of 2023. ​​​​​​​Republicans in the new House majority are ready to curb the wasteful spending and turn things around.


Sen. Bettencourt Files Bill to Reverse 5,300% Jump in Catalytic Converter Thefts in Texas

"This is an appalling public safety issue that we have to get under control – criminals are willing to kill over these converters. Houston Police Chief Finner and his officers are on the front lines trying to stomp out these crime rings," said State Sen. Paul Bettencourt, responding to the 5,300% jump in Catalytic Converter thefts in Texas since 2019. The precious metals inside them are more valuable than gold.


Bipartisan Bill by Rep. Guillen & Sen. Blanco Would Modernize SNAP Vehicle Asset Test

“Texans everywhere are feeling the impact of inflation, and because SNAP eligibility is linked to vehicle value, hungry Texans are losing benefits at a time they need them most. These vehicle limits were set over 20 years ago — they're outdated and out of touch with reality,” said State Rep. Ryan Guillen as he and State Sen. César Blanco filed bills in the Senate & House to better reflect today’s car market values.


Pax­ton Files Suit to Strike Down Biden’s Unlaw­ful 'WOTUS' (Waters of the Unit­ed States) Rule

“Legal action is necessary to curtail this Administration’s continued intrusion into the rights of Texans – and our ability to control our own natural resources,” said Attorney General Paxton, filing a lawsuit against the Biden White House for ignoring Congress’s direction and guidelines set down under the previous administration to protect isolated wetlands, small private streams, and off-channel reservoirs from federal government intrusions.


HANSON: With 5-6 Million Illegal Southern Border Entries Since Biden Took Office, Mexico's Not Really An American Friend

Left-wing Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador – often referred to as AMLO – recently praised a visiting Joe Biden by saying: "Just imagine: There are 40 million Mexicans in the U.S. – 40 million who were born in Mexico or who are the children of people born in Mexico!" One sure sign of historic national decline is the collective inability of a government and its people to defend their borders – and national integrity.


SPOTLIGHT: Marijuana Legalization Costs & Benefits Remain Unclear for New Mexico

Research on the long-term health impacts of marijuana is linked to increased risk of several mental health conditions and respiratory complications. But supporters of state level marijuana legalization tout its economic benefits, including increased tax revenue. Those that have legalized and taxed recreational or medical marijuana, however, show minimal tax revenue benefits. Its the ultimate exercise in public health costs and benefits.


‘We Don’t Do This’: Even Twitter’s Censors Rejected Democrat Cong. Adam Schiff’s Censorship Request

With the recent release of controversial Cong. Adam Schiff's  Twitter files – and disclosures of the F.B.I.'s involvement in Twitter’s censorship program – we now have another rare insight into how government officials attempted to enlist Social Media for election-influencing. It's precisely why so many in the media and the Democrat establishment are mobilizing against new Twitter owner Elon Musk, who continues to release the compromising evidence.


Sen. Cruz Slams Biden for Holding Classified Documents, Expresses Concern About 'Investigation'

“Everything about this debacle – from the way it trickled out to the public to Joe Biden claiming to be surprised that classified documents were in his possession – demonstrates the compete hypocrisy of Democrats and their allies in the corrupt corporate media," said Texas Sen. Ted Cruz following the U.S. Department of Justice's appointment of a Special Counsel to investigate the classified documents found at various Biden residences.


