



McCAUL: Supporting Our Troops, Defending a Great Nation

At a time when America’s adversaries are growing more emboldened under President Biden’s weak leadership, House Republicans have passed a National Defense Authorization Act that sends a critical message: America remains strong, and will not back down. While we can never do enough to thank our servicemen & women for protecting freedom, this bill takes a step in the right direction, giving our troops the biggest pay raise in more than 20 years.


Rep. Tony Gonzales Secures Key Provisions in Crucial 2024 Defense Authorization Bill

“The passage of a strong 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is personal for me – as are the servicemembers that put on the uniform each day to serve our great nation. As a 20-year Navy veteran, emboldening our nation with strong defense capabilities and taking care of the men & women in our military are key. From El Paso to San Antonio, servicemembers across South & West Texas will be better off because of this bill," said Cong. Gonzales.


BARONE: Different Groups That 'Don't Look Like America' Produce Success Together in America

News stories have reported that – despite the Supreme Court's recent decision in the cases against Harvard and the University of North Carolina – those and other selective schools still want to employ racial quotas and preferences in admissions. Selective schools say they want student bodies that "look like America." But, whether you like it or not...


BETTENCOURT: Texas-Sized, Record $18 Billion in Property Tax Cuts Passes – 'Texas Taxpayers WIN!'

“The ‘Texas Two-Step’ of a $100,000 homestead exemption and a 23.8% rate reduction means the average Texas homestead will see 41.5% or $1,373 per year in savings. Every residential & commercial property owner will see huge tax savings this fall. The final approval will be the voters of the State of Texas on November 7th, 2023,” said Texas State Sen. Paul Bettencourt, who along with Rep. Will Metcalf authored the bills.


HEGAR: Texas' Prepaid Tuition Plan Deadline Approaches for Newborn's Enrollment

“I know what it's like to be the parent of newborns, and paying for college was not always at the top of my mind,” said Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar. “That's why we're reminding parents to take advantage of the chance to lock in this year's rates and lay the foundation for their children’s future education.” Families have through July 31st to enroll their newborns at 2022-23 prices in the Texas Tuition Promise Fund®.


Sen. Cruz, Cong. Bishop Push to Reinstate Servicemembers Wrongfully Discharged for COVID-19 Vaccine Status

“This amendment would reinstate servicemembers who were wrongfully discharged due to their COVID-19 vaccine status, and give justice to those punished due to their vaccine status. The brave men & women who join our military to serve our country deserve respect & support, regardless of their COVID-19 vaccine status,” said Sen. Cruz of his amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2023.


Cong.. Cuellar's Bill to Rename Post Office After Fallen Servicemembers is Advanced by House Oversight Committee

“Lance Corporal David Lee Espinoza, Lance Corporal Juan Rodrigo Rodriguez, and Sergeant Roberto Arizola, Jr. all paid the ultimate sacrifice in preserving our freedom. Renaming the Del Mar Post Office in Laredo will forever memorialize these local heroes, and commemorate their selfless efforts,” said Cong. Henry Cuellar as his bill moved through the House Committee on Oversight & Accountability.


HANSON: Here's 10 Reasons Why Affirmative Action Died

No one, of course – in today's race-obsessed culture – has ever objected to the fact that white males died at twice their demographic rate during the wars in Afghanistan & Iraq. That, and numerous other such measures, have always been the hallmark of American Value in our nation's tribally-blind standards that once led the U.S. to outshine the world by discarding old class-race prejudices.


ERINAKES: Record Property Tax Cuts, Texas' Largest in History, Pass Legislature in Austin

Ronald Reagan once said: “We don’t have inflation because the people are living too well. We have inflation because the government is living too well.” Well, with historic and record Property Tax Relief now having been agreed to this week in Austin, the state government's budget in Texas will be living a bit less well – and returning substantial amounts of savings to property owners in future.


OH BOY: Not Even Democrats are Believing in Joe's Latest Phrase – 'Bidenomics'

While President Biden has begun to try and change the narrative – saying that “Bidenomics is about the future – Bidenomics is just another way of saying ‘restore the American Dream,’” that message is sure to be a hard sell. "Bidenomics" shifts haven’t led to improvements in most Americans’ day-to-day lives, they've become worse. And, lots of his own Democrat Voters don’t believe him.


Sen. Bettencourt's Property Tax Cut Bills, Texas' Largest in History, Pass Senate Unanimously

“What a fantastic package this is! There's one state voting on a record $18 billion Property Tax Relief Bill – and that is the State of Texas!” exclaimed State Sen. Paul Bettencourt, who as author of the bills implementing the effort helped the State Senate pass the largest property tax cut in Texas history after Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick & House Speaker Dade Phelan announced an agreement earlier this week.


Save Austin Now Slams Suspension of Austin Police's Partnership with Texas DPS

"We're nearing a tipping point – and while the partnership with DPS is suspended, we will see crime increase and criminals feel emboldened. Public safety's about to get much worse in Austin," said the co-founders of Save Austin Now, Matt Mackowiak & Cleo Petricek. "This is a victory for police abolitionists and criminals, and a major setback for law abiding citizens & families in Austin."


THOMAS: The Subject Is No longer on the Fringes... Get Tested, Joe

Axios reported this week that "President Biden – behind closed doors – has a temper that sees him yelling at staff and shouting obscenities. In fact, his temper's so bad that some staff try to avoid meeting alone with him." According to website Dementia Care Central, "One common complaint & concern frequently expressed by loved ones of a dementia patient is the use of swear words, foul language."


Cruz, Colleagues Call on Blinken to Reverse Biden Administration’s New Antisemitic Israel Boycott

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken calling on him to rescind discriminatory guidance issued by the State Department halting bilateral scientific and technological cooperation in certain Israeli-held territories.


Cong. Cuellar Pushing Bi-Partisan Bill to Fund Water Infrastructure Improvements

“The Water Infrastructure Enhancement Act of 2023 will provide essential investments needed to improve our nation’s water infrastructure, particularly in rural & underserved communities. South Texas needs better water infrastructure, and I'm committed to making that happen,” said Cong. Henry Cuellar earlier today, introducing legislation to fund upgrades and new installations of public water systems.


Comptroller Hegar: $1.1 Billion in Monthly Sales Tax Revenues Distributed to Local Texas Governments

Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar announced today that he will send Cities, Counties, Transit Systems and Special Purpose Taxing Districts a total of $1.1 billion in Local Sales Tax Allocations, indicating Texas' 2023 economy has seen growth of more than 7.5% since the same period of a year ago. The July distributions are based on sales and economic activity during the month of May.


1st Lady Cecilia Abbott, Sect. of State Jane Nelson Highlight Strong Economic Relationships in Germany

The First Lady and Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson met with executives from Mercedes-Benz headquarters in Stuttgart-Untertürkheim, where they discussed the company's presence in Grapevine & Ft. Worth, Texas, and possible future collaborations. It is the first stop in their Texas Economic Development Corporation sponsored effort, which includes a delegation of Texas business partners.


McCAUGHEY: Biden Trashes the U.S. Constitution (Again,) in Effort to Try and Muzzle Critics

Joe Biden is the defendant in a lawsuit accused of what Federal District Court Judge Terry Doughty calls "the most massive attack against free speech in United States history" – yet the appeal Biden filed Monday is devoid of even one winning argument in his defense. Count on it to go nowhere. Biden's been caught red-handed violating the Constitution, and Judge Doughty was confirmed 98-0 by U.S. Senate.


