“Under the U.S. Constitution, Governor Abbott has been granted the authority to maintain and deploy the National Guard for domestic emergencies on Texas soil. Gov. Abbott has diligently safeguarded our citizens, with the Texas National Guard at the forefront in halting the incursion. Federalizing Texas troops would be an encroachment on Texas’ constitutionally protected sovereignty. We urge you to reconsider the policies that created this crisis, and urge you to join Gov. Abbott in protecting the American people from this invasion.”
Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar announced today that he will be sending the state's cities, counties, transit systems and special purpose districts $1.3 billion in local sales tax allocations for February, a 1.6% increase over the February 2023 figures.
December 2023 set a record – 371,000 monthly illegal entries, or 12,000 a day. Several migrants beat up New York Police Officers, and walked. And now, even Al Sharpton calls the unprecedented number of illegal entries an "invasion." Said Sharpton recently: "You're seeing an influx of migrants all over the country that, frankly, have people outraged. Why are you allowing this to continue? .We're looking every day at the invasion of migrants, and they're playing a time game with politics on this?"
Overall, the Texas Oil & Natural Gas Industries rewrote the Record Books for Production, Exports, Crude Oil Supply, and Tax Revenues Generated in 2023. “This type of unmatched, repeat economic performance does not happen by accident,” said Texas Oil & Gas Association president, Todd Staples. “Success is the result of non-stop industry innovation, investment, and operational efficiencies." With Texas now producing more than 42% of the nation’s oil – and hitting records in 6-of-12 months during 2023 – the state saw its highest monthly production levels ever.
Democrats, the Media & Joe Biden are all apoplectic that former President Donald Trump may recapture the White House. But Mr. Biden’s age isn't the primary problem. Rather, its his "remaking America" with uncontrolled illegal immigration and his "our democracy" programs that are focused on – and most importantly are – hurting Independent & Swing Voters. Moderate Americans – and more Blacks & Hispanics than liberals admit – view "Establishment” Democrats & Republicans and the Legal System as unfair.
“Southeast Texas is uniquely placed on the Gulf Coast, its full of the world's cleanest refineries and ports to ship our nation's Oil & Gas to allies across the world, the Sabine-Neches Waterway's projected to be the largest LNG exporter in the U.S. – but President Biden just killed this all with a stroke of his pen. We have the ability to produce energy cleaner, more efficiently, and at lower costs than any other nation in the world – and we need to start acting like it instead of hindering our own ability.”
Illegal immigrants are invading our country, evading our laws, and getting away with it under this Administration. I voted for four bills last week that would crack down on criminal illegal aliens and close loopholes that allow them to avoid deportation.
Since the launch of Operation Lone Star, the multi-agency effort has led to over 497,600 Illegal Immigrant Apprehensions, more than 39,000 Criminal Arrests – with more than 35,200 Felony Charges. In the fight against the fentanyl crisis, Texas Law Enforcement has seized over 458 million lethal doses of fentanyl during this Border Mission, as Operation Lone Star continues to fill the dangerous gaps created by Joe Biden's refusal to secure the border.
“The state of Texas is adding another layer of support to ensure our communities are safe through these Rural Grant Programs, and I’m extremely proud of the work done to help law enforcement offices across Texas get the additional financial tools they need,” said Comptroller Glenn Hegar, after more than 94% of the eligible rural sheriff’s offices and nearly 86% of the eligible prosecutor’s offices applied for grants created by Senate Bill 22 to provide financial assistance to eligible counties.
It needs to be made clear to Joe Biden & his Democrat buddies that selling us out will not be tolerated. After years of saying there was no Border Crisis, that it was "secure" and that Republicans were fearmongering on the issue, they've now switched to, “If you want a secure border, this bill creates one.” If the 2nd statement is true, the 1st one can’t be. If the 1st ones are true, the 2nd one is a lie. The time for deals is over, and they blew it. This isn’t the start of negotiations, it’s the end of them.
As of today, 14 states have stepped up to support Texas' right to defend itself against Joe Biden’s Border Crisis by deploying Personnel & Resources to help secure the border in Biden's absence – and 13 of those Governors stood in solidarity with Gov. Abbott for a press conference yesterday in Eagle Pass's Shelby Park. "Half of America’s Governors, including those here with me today, have banded together to make one thing clear: Americans stand with Texas and our right to protect & defend our state," said Abbott.
“This administration doesn’t care that their radical climate agenda will have a catastrophic impact on American families and small businesses... further hurting families who're already struggling to get by," said Sen. Ted Cruz. The Biden White House’s rule will go into effect February 16th, forcing manufacturers to sell only furnaces that convert at least 95% of fuel into heat. The rule will effectively coerce a majority of American households to adopt electric heat pumps or pay 1,000s of dollars to renovate their homes.
For over 40 years, the Veterans Land Board's Housing Assistance Program has transformed the lives of Veterans, members of the military, and their families by making the American Dream of homeownership a reality. As we begin the new year, I'd like to take a moment to recognize the program and its top lenders and loan officers of 2023 – because providing high quality service to our men and women in uniform is one of our most important goals.
The RRC uses its award-winning plugging program to assist other agencies. In the past several years, the Commission has plugged a well for the GLO in the Bolivar Peninsula; helped the National Park Service by removing hazardous casing from previously plugged wells at the Big Thicket National Preserved in East Texas; and plugged wells at another popular national park, Padre Island National Seashore, in 2021.
When Iran murdered three American soldiers and the Pentagon released their pictures, among veterans, there was unanimity – Three dead Americans – they had to be avenged. But they were black Americans, and to the Biden administration, black lives do not matter, at least not as much as Iranian lives matter. Or illegal alien lives matter. Or criminal lives matter. Black Lives Matter, but less than other lives ...
Recent calls by liberal Democrats for President Biden to strip control of the Texas National Guard away from Texas are unwise – and dangerous. Mr. Biden inherited the most secure Southern Border in decades. and systematically dismantled both it and the strong enforcement measures that were working to reduce illegal immigration. The open border policies of the Biden White House are morally repugnant.
Despite all the debate and discourse about "renewable" energy taking over, Oil & Gas is here to stay – and Texas is poised to lead the U.S. into the energy future. As the top oil & gas producing state in the nation – producing 42% of our Crude Oil and 27%t of our Natural Gas – the importance of Texas’ Energy Sector to the rest of the U.S. can't be overstated. Texans know oil and gas are essential in more ways than one, and attracting large scaled investments from around the globe illustrate why the industry's not going anywhere.
U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), along with U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) led a bipartisan, bicameral coalition of their colleagues in sending a letter calling on the .NHTSA Deputy Administrator, Sophie Shulman, to rescind the Biden Administration’s proposed Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards for passenger cars and light-duty trucks.